Stick to the double reeds... Easier to run than triple and quad reed mouth calls, just less raspy. I don't like to say "use this word or that word while you're calling" because that's really not how you get the best sound, but for beginners doing so usually results in proper tongue movement. Try saying "y-uck" or "hee-yuck" or "ch-alk" while pushing air up from your diaphragm. Don't blow air like you're trying to blow out candles. Your air should come up from your diaphragm, like you're trying to fog glass. You basically want your tongue up against the roof of your mouth to start the yelp, then it should drop down fast, and the "ck" or "alk" ending on your cadence word will cut the note off. I hope that makes sense. Just start slow and build muscle memory in your tongue and diaphragm. Speed and comfort will come naturally with repetition.
That'll get you a decent yelp. Cutting is a little more difficult to explain in text. To cut, you gotta build air pressure from your diaphragm and let out short controlled bursts. Check out YouTube... Lots of instructional resources there.