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My buddy killed the big brow tine buck

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Just got in from a long day. I'll tell more about it tomorrow but I scored him tonight at 196 gross and net 181 non typ. What we thought was a brow was actually another beam or point coming off the main beam below the brow tine. I said in the daily hunting report thread this was gonna be a good weekend...
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Wow, that's a great deer. Tell your buddy congratulations. Did he rattle him in? I see rattling antlers in the picture.

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Yesterday at noon we decided to go check cams. One cam had'nt been getting much pics on it lately so I decided to pull it and take over to an area I had'nt been hunting at all. We walked into this woods and there was scrapes all over the place. So we kept going down this trail and it led us to a rub and scrape that was unbelievable. Never seen anything like it in my entire hunting life. He had just done it an hour or so before we got there because there was no leaves blown in it yet. The tree was shredded and he had kicked all the dirt in a 20 foot circle around the tree. So after seeing all of that I told him your hunting over this spot tonight. He did'nt hesitate a bit. Went and got him permission and he went back at 4:00 and got in a tree. At 6he starts texting me while I'm in the japanese steak house in colombus giving me updates as to what he's seeing. 6:40 he texts me and says I just shot the big brow tine buck he layed down for a couple minutes and when he stood back up I put another one in him.

So we get done eating ( daughter had straight A's on her grade card and that was the place she wanted to go) and made it back to urbana in record breaking time. I get out there and meet him and we go start the blood trail. He went about 80 yards and died. Both shots he put in him were in the heart so we had no trouble trailing this buck. I can't express enough to you guys the excitement and joy that it is to have all of this time in scouting and puting time in with checking cams that it gives you to see this pay off for both of us. I feel like I'm the one that did it I'm so happy for em.

We spotted this buck a month and a half or so ago in a bean field at 10:30 in the morning all by himself. Right in the same field I killed my 8 in last year. After we got him out last night we went to the property owners house and thanked them and told them how much we appreciate them letting us hunt there property. They congragulated him on his deer and told us they were happy for us as well.

So we take it to his house and score him. Had another friend meet us at his house and we take guesses as to what we thought he was gonna score. Jason had no idea what he was gonna score. Our buddy steve said 180 gross and 150 net....:smiley_chinrub: I said he's gonna gross in the 190's and net 170's. I was close. 196 2/8 gross and 181 6/8 net. WOWWWW!!! He killed one when we were in school back in 94 or so that grossed in the 180's so this was'nt the first big deer he's killed but when you do it with a bow it's a lot more gratifying.

Now it's my turn...;)
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*Supporting Member*
Absolutely amazing animal. Huge congrats to you and your buddy. I just keep coming back to this page to look at it. Great story.


Senior Member
That's amazing.

It also never ceases to amaze me that people will put their buddies on a huge deer like that, without having a problem. Hopefully I can have the resources to do that someday too!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
AWESOME BUCK! Way to go JD! Congrats to your buddy and you for puttin' that stud down. Great story too. Goodluck, now put MoFo down!!!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Awesome buck your buddy shot JD.. You're a good guy for sitting in that spot. :)


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Wow is all I can say. JD your a class act for puttin your buddy in that posittion to harvest that stud!!!! Memories for a life time...