Gern186 Dignitary Member Supporting Member 10,480 215 NW Ohio Tundra May 13, 2015 #22 Congrats to your daughter and to you as well for raising such a smart girl!
Big_Holla Senior Member 27,354 247 S.E. MI to reside & S.E. OH to LIVE! May 13, 2015 #23 Congratulations to her!!
RedCloud Super Moderator Super Mod 17,446 207 North Central Ohio May 13, 2015 #24 Congrats to you both Jeff. It's always good to see our kids do great things. Be a proud father my friend.
Congrats to you both Jeff. It's always good to see our kids do great things. Be a proud father my friend.
Hoytmania Dignitary Member Supporting Member 11,520 181 Gods Country May 13, 2015 #25 Congrats to your daughter Jim!!!!
Riverdude The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond Supporting Member 10,254 115 Ashtabula, Ohio May 13, 2015 #26 Thanks guys........Laura and I are very proud.
G Geezer II Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond. 5,971 101 portage county oh May 13, 2015 #27 Good job cuz - congrats ta ya all