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My New Mexico Mulie


Junior Member
Delaware County
Just got the buck I shot December 2013 on my uncles ranch back! Pretty happy with how he turned out. There was a huge drought that summer so he grew some great forks but his fronts didn't make it to where they would've in a good year. I'm on the ranch right now working and running seven cams so I'll start a trail cam thread if I start getting any good pics. They've had record rains this year so everything is green and there should be some huge antlers this fall. I'll be out in September for bow season for deer and elk and I hope the hunt is as much fun as the one for this deer.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That's a dandy mulie IMO! Congrats on getting him and getting him back! Love that snow camo, you really blend in there in that pic!


Junior Member
Delaware County
Thanks guys!

That's a dandy mulie IMO! Congrats on getting him and getting him back! Love that snow camo, you really blend in there in that pic!

Yeah I love that camo, I shot the deer at 15 yards and he couldn't even see us (me and my dad). We almost didn't get the camo because the temps were in the sixties the week before we came but I'm glad we did