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Name That Tune


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Out in the sticks,
with the squirrels and the ticks,
And my 30-06,
I'm runnin' out of Miller Lite.
Trucks in park, the dog won't bark
Couple hours till dark
Wishin' one would walk by
Might as well left my gun in the gun rack
Been here all day
All I killed's a twelve pack


*Supporting Member*
Dale.... we're waiting... :smiley_crocodile:

Mike, I hate work, lol!

Here's one for yas!


Away away
You have been banished
Your land is gone
And given me
And here I will spread my wings
Yes I will call this home
What's this you say
You feel a right to remain
Then stay and I will bury you
What's that you say
Your father's spirit still lives in this place
I will silence you


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I have come to believe that Cotty is the King of this thread.
Is there any type of music you don't know all the words TOO ?lol


*Supporting Member*
Ok, I don't think anyone is getting this one, here it is though, give it a listen. These guys are badass and put on a hell of a show.

I'll let someone else step up next.
