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Nasty Weather


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This morning in my Science class, the kids and I were talking about weather satellites and one of the kids said they couldn't believe it was snowing already on December 1st. It triggered my memory. Back in 2005 during gun week, not only was it snowing, but lakes were slightly frozen over.
I remember this because the 11 point I shot had quite an adventure. I had knocked it down and watched it lay and was waiting for it to expire when a group of guys began driving the hollow I was sitting in. When the buck heard the voices of the guys he began struggling to get up. I put another shot in him and he bulldozed his way over the hill toward the lake (I couldn't believe my eyes). I hurried down to him and found that he had broken through the ice on the lake. I had to wade in about 3 feet from shore to pull him out (he was dead by then).
Anyway, my point is that it must've been much colder in '05 than I remember since the lakes were already beginning to freeze. So, this snow today isn't so shocking.

Anybody remember '05 being a white gun week? I have the pic hanging next to my desk and the ground is all covered.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Snow is rare down here during gun season. We just don't see much of the white stuff until late December. We had a great snow last year during the extra weekend and it made for tough hunting because it was so deep. We typically drive the extra weekend and it was hell trudging through 12" of snow for a mile long drive. Ask Swoonie. It almost killed him!!! rotflmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I remember the bonus weekend being full of snow last year too! Just about didn't get to hunt any because we were out plowing all Friday night into Saturday morning. I think I made it out Saturday evening and Sunday. It is Ohio, we will get snow. Maybe in October, maybe in April, more than likely in Dec-Feb. Might not be enough to plow or go sledding, but we will get something!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This morning in my Science class, the kids and I were talking about weather satellites and one of the kids said they couldn't believe it was snowing already on December 1st. It triggered my memory. Back in 2005 during gun week, not only was it snowing, but lakes were slightly frozen over.
I remember this because the 11 point I shot had quite an adventure. I had knocked it down and watched it lay and was waiting for it to expire when a group of guys began driving the hollow I was sitting in. When the buck heard the voices of the guys he began struggling to get up. I put another shot in him and he bulldozed his way over the hill toward the lake (I couldn't believe my eyes). I hurried down to him and found that he had broken through the ice on the lake. I had to wade in about 3 feet from shore to pull him out (he was dead by then).
Anyway, my point is that it must've been much colder in '05 than I remember since the lakes were already beginning to freeze. So, this snow today isn't so shocking.

Anybody remember '05 being a white gun week? I have the pic hanging next to my desk and the ground is all covered.

I was not into hunting in '05, so I can't speak to that.
But wading into a frickin freezin lake is some hardcore shit - my hat's off to you man.
Wait a sec - was it 3 ft deep? or just 3 ft into the lake? How deep was it?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's the pic from my desk wall.



Senior Member
'05 sounds about right.

If I recall correctly the temperatures got lower as the week went on and by Saturday it was plum cold!

That would have been my sophomore year of high school I figure and one of the first seasons I hunted by myself. That Saturday I was in the woods with my dad and brother (the cold is probably the reason that's the only season he's ever hunted). At breakfast we talked about coyote and neither of us had seen one hunting or in the fields before. Sure enough that morning I sat way back on the property in a grove of pine trees and had a female coyote come up to me and stop at 25 yards. Boom!

coyote '05.jpg

Still the only coyote I've ever shot.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jeezo pete! That was five years ago? You are a pup! lol If it makes you feel any better, you look a bit older in that picture than I did when I left for basic training. Difference is, you now look like a big ol' farmboy and I still look like chicken shit.