I don't know where you are located. In my area, 6' tall grasses tend to be prime bedding areas. Mind blown at the deer I see leaving these areas. I would get out on foot and see where the main travel corridors are. There may be a slightly lower elevation point thru the grasses where deer like to cross them. Figure out where they are bedding by their trails and matted down grass areas. Think of where they are going to from any bedding areas you find. You may want to be set up where winds favor you, in an area the deer will exit bedding and head to food. This time of the year is the BEST time to find such areas in my opinion. Leaves are off. Grasses are beat down. Trails are easy to find. One other thought: walk the creek and see where they are crossing it. Muddy trails will be very visible right now. They will tell you a lot.