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Need to steer a Buck

OK I have been targeting a nice 10 point
It broke all or a lot of a point off , so it may score as a 9 point ...OH well

But the problem is
There are 4 creek crossings to get to from the corn feild to where it normaly beds

OK I have stands out , so I can hunt any of the 4

But it always seems I am in the wrong stand

Any good products you have tryed that will get a deer to not use a trail or creek crossing ?

As I am about to pull out what little hair I have trying to get a shot at this buck



Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
They say hair clippings will eliminate deer movement in an area. Lol. It might perminately curtail any movement or destroy your chances at that crossing. Go to any barber or beauty salon, and they will give you all the hair you want. Put it where you don't want them to be. Problem solved? Lol

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If you figure that out, I'd like to hear about it Deer almost always use the wrong trail for me, it's just part of hunting IMO. I quit bouncing around, just pick a spot and sit. If they use the other trail, fine, they won't tomorrow. That's my method, may not help me kill them, but keeps me from going crazy hoping from stand to stand.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I had luck one year hanging some 2 day old worn, man smelling t-shirts when the wind was just right on sapling, a fence post and a 3ed on a wire hanger.
The deer circled wide and came right to the last bottleneck path.
Sadly I lost shooting light before he got to me but I saw him comming. It would have worked...
I have some socks from last night to try

They will sure put off some foot oder for sure

Nice thing is
I can pick the socks up on my way out

Tree tops would work
But it's not my land to cut trees on



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
In the late 70's and early 80's, our little community use to get all the Big city road hunters and block driving out-of-towners. They would drop a gang off at one end of our country block and drive it, pushing all the deer out and blast away at the other end. The tatic was done by a gang of non locals or w/ 1 local. One road they always hit had 100-150 yards of field then went to woods for about 1/2 a mile.
One year I got the idea to hang several hunter orange vests just inside the tree line spread out about 50 yards apart. The second day of gun the cars pulled up, stopped a couple min then left. The guys must have thought they were standers for a drive. Never tried it again but it was where I got the idea for the t-shirts.
I'm like a few of the others, I'd work hard to figure out which stand has the best chance and go that route before hanging stinky socks or anything that gives him the impression someone is after him. Might send him underground if you do that.


Junior Member
western OH
depending on how far of a distance u need to move him to u, snow fence can work in right areas. use trees or set fence post to tie it up and put 2 runs 1 0n top of the other. it may take couple days for them to get use to it, but for the most part deer can be lazy they will walk around it when trying to get from point a to b. if there not pressured they wont jump it but rather go around it.