Personally I believe cabelas and bass pro at way overpriced both in store and online. The reason I have tolerated it is because I know they have huge stores with lots of cool stuff and I understand that costs money. To me it was worth paying the extra money because I knew there was a reason for it.
What I see them doing is this. They're losing their ass to other online retailers that sell the same product at a cheaper price, they can do this because of the lack of overhead. Cabelas opened a crap store in an attempt to cash in on a virgin market without the overhead, yet they charge the same outrageous prices. Virgin market, low overhead store, equals more profit. To me that philosophy isn't worth spending my money at. Additionally I now have to pay 7% more in sales tax online because they opened a store in Ohio. Combine that with the lack of the cabelas experience and I have no reason to shop at cabelas online or in person. They opened a McDonald's with Resturant style prices. The only reason i bought from them online was to avoid sales tax. Cant do that anymore. As for shopping at cabelas anymore. No thanks. The only reason I can see shopping there will be if they have a product cheaper than someone else and I do ship to store. But let's face it. Cabelas having something cheaper than someone else online or local is rare.