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New Member

It looks like this is where all the bad boys hang out ahh. It took me a little while but I found it. Been reading a little bit tonite and it looks like some good shit so I joined.

Been having a pretty crazy year with some personal shit, financial issues, medical crap, trying to squeeze in as much deer hunt I can and much more stuff I could go on and on but hey I'm still alive and kicking and most importantly I will never give up. Also I'm about to go another year with an unfilled buck tag but I consider myself lucky for the life I have and the things I do. Sorry I don't know much about anything and prefer to read more than post but I'll help in with whatever I can. Now I'll cut the BS and get to some fugging hunting.

Thanks for the link Jesse.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Glad to have you bud.. Hang in there. It sounds like you have a good grip on handling things.. Stick around. I think you'll like the place


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Glad to see you migrated over this way. You aren't the only one left with a buck tag either bud, I am struggling also. Hope everything works out for ya man, hate to hear you've had a rough year, but you have a group of guys here that will help you however we possibly can. Welcome to the site.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Glad you joined Ben.

Hope you can continue to stay positive and upbeat as you tackle and overcome life's challenges. Additionally, as Greg said, you have some good company in the buck tag department!