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New Trail Camera Company Coming.....

Seriously guys if you have a question call us....that's what we are here for. Glad to hear you guys are figuring everything out, I apologize about the manual, we will make some changes and add some desired info. Looking back we should have had a few guys who were unfamiliar with the cameras and FW read over the manual and operate the camera.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Without having to go back and read all this... How much? Whats the specs?

I think I would start on the first page. Tough to give a Cliff's Note version. Not to sound like a jerk. Just think you might want to read the info for yourself if you are going to drop $200+.
Well here I am again. I just finished mowing & I wanted to try this video thing again. When I mentioned that the cam turned off after a video was made, I learned that the screen turns off after the 1st video for some reason, yet continues to take videos without me realizing it. I just think there is a lack of info in the instructions to fully understand this cam. I decided to say fugg it & get the cam in the woods. When I switch it to live mode again, there is still a 10 second countdown. That same countdown while at the house would make the cam go live. I was hurrying to get the cam closed up during the countdown after attaching it to a tree & while I stood back looking at it, the red / blue flash lit up. I really do believe I'm going to like this cam in short time. $200 is telling me I damn well better. I'll check the cam this coming weekend.

The activation countdown is only 10 seconds.... after 30 seconds the viewing screen will go into sleep mode and the red/blue light will flash. Hope that helps the confusion.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Ok, I've been playing with this for a few hours & I'd like to say I'm impressed, but it will remain to be seen. The battery tray doesn't like to come out easily. I have to yank it out after depressing that button. It comes out a bit & gets stuck. Perhaps in due time, it will wear down a bit. I do not like those latches. They get in the way & I can see one or both of them getting broke down the road. I bought this to use in video mode & so far, my dog has already walked thru a number of times at different angles before being detected, just like Spencie mentioned. I had some videos of him coming thru, but the cam was already activated, so more testing there. I walked thru it once & it caught me immediately. In picture mode, the cam will catch him. The cam makes some kind of odd mechanical noise at times, almost like a spring being sprung.... I dunno, but it's not an issue at this time. It's taking forever for photobucket to process a video, so, in time I'll post one.

My old Primos 35 cams did this as the filter would drop down over the lens. The only fix at that time was to take the thing apart and place moleskin on part of the case to keep the filter from tapping the cam housing as it dropped into place.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That sound I heard was just odd as compared to other cams whose filter could be easily heard. It's not really noticeable. I just happen to have been holding it close when I heard it & didn't pay any more attention to it, other than mentioning it here.
[video=youtube_share;dVvQpIH5Fuo]http://youtu.be/dVvQpIH5Fuo[/video]Just had a quick call with Kevin about our video settings. For anyone running the cameras in video mode, you will find best results @ the 720p settings. Here is an quick example of what you should expect of 720p setting...I just shot this sitting at the office. I am within 6' because of space restraints, but you get the idea.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Your video is private.

Ok, I had just pulled the card this morning after letting it sit a few days.

And then I get this.....

Those were all in 1080. I just went back & switched to 720 & there wasn't much quality difference if at all when I tested that.... other than there being a really good looking guy caught on cam....lol
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Junior Member
Not much going moving on our place right now but I did get this really cool transition pic of a fawn. I'm liking this cam.

Hey Spencie, really enjoying all of the feedback and photos! I know I've been quiet lately, but I did notice that you had the cam in 12MP setting. I would say, something that I think might not have been stated in the manual is that you gets a wider field of view in the 2, 5, or 8 MP settings. I think you'll find the 8MP setting is just about identical to the naked eye as far as quality goes, and you should gain a few feet on both sides for more observation space.

As always, Chad and I are here to help if you guys have any questions. Pretty excited to say that I will officially be an Ohio resident at the end of this week!



Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
Hey Spencie, really enjoying all of the feedback and photos! I know I've been quiet lately, but I did notice that you had the cam in 12MP setting. I would say, something that I think might not have been stated in the manual is that you gets a wider field of view in the 2, 5, or 8 MP settings. I think you'll find the 8MP setting is just about identical to the naked eye as far as quality goes, and you should gain a few feet on both sides for more observation space.

As always, Chad and I are here to help if you guys have any questions. Pretty excited to say that I will officially be an Ohio resident at the end of this week!


Thanks Matt, that's good info to know. Are all cams like that or just the Lift?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I haven't been able to get to the back of the farm to set my cam out with all this rain as I have a steep creek to cross. Soon I hope.


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
Since I am working on food plots and trails this week I pulled the card I put in the cam yesterday. I had it set on 3 shot burst with a 5 second delay. Out of 135 pics there were 6 of me, 6 of a groundhog and the rest were deer. There were no missed shots. The night pics were bright and clear with no blur. I'm ordering another cam.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Very nice stuff Spencie! Great info in your last post Matt! Sounds like 8 MP is the best setting. If and when I get some extra funds I'll be getting a cam from you guys!