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Nice to know


Senior Member
Yeah. He came to the door tAlking about how he needed money for his daughters diapers. Ken told him that i was going to do it and no thank u.

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*Supporting Member III*
A quick story...when the church works how Jesus meant it to, it looks like this...

You all know that my 5 yr old daughter passed away early September this year. Well, in her 10 week battle with brain cancer and all the costs of treatment and arrangements after her death it totaled approximately $35,000 that we had to come up with out of pocket. Now, we are in no way hurting financially, but we don't have that kind of money just hanging around looking for a place to get spent. My brother and father are both pastors. Their churches, combined with some of our friends and family contributed $3,000 more than we needed to cover all of the costs. The word they gave us was "With all you are going through, we don't want you to have to face the financial pain as well." That extra 3,000 is now going to another family whose daughter is battling the same cancer that Ava has. It's not the church that is messed up sometimes, it's the people in it. If everyone just tried to do what Jesus modeled for us, this world would look a whole lot like what just happened for me and my family during the worst shit-storm imaginable.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
A quick story...when the church works how Jesus meant it to, it looks like this...

You all know that my 5 yr old daughter passed away early September this year. Well, in her 10 week battle with brain cancer and all the costs of treatment and arrangements after her death it totaled approximately $35,000 that we had to come up with out of pocket. Now, we are in no way hurting financially, but we don't have that kind of money just hanging around looking for a place to get spent. My brother and father are both pastors. Their churches, combined with some of our friends and family contributed $3,000 more than we needed to cover all of the costs. The word they gave us was "With all you are going through, we don't want you to have to face the financial pain as well." That extra 3,000 is now going to another family whose daughter is battling the same cancer that Ava has. It's not the church that is messed up sometimes, it's the people in it. If everyone just tried to do what Jesus modeled for us, this world would look a whole lot like what just happened for me and my family during the worst shit-storm imaginable.

:smiley_clap: The Lord will provide. Thanks for the reminder.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
1horn- that is a true witness to how the Lord can work at times. Thanks for sharing, both with us at TOO, and the next family you passed the "excess money" forward to.