Shipping next week!!
Thanks for all pre orders!
All new seed orders shipping next week!
Annual clover mix - ideal for those with very short growing seasons but they want to get something in before planting their fall Carbon Load or other fall crop. Can be frost seeded into over browsed fields as well. I am using this on a few new fields that have been browsed heavy. This will add to the CL green up before I drill in Nitroboost!
Premium clover+ - a great blend of clovers and chicory - designed to help outcompete weeds. Great for logging roads, orchards, plots, etc. can be frost seeded or traditionally planted. I am using this over the top of my Clover/oats/chicory plots to fill in any gaps.
Brassicas mix - a fantastic mix of forage and tubers producers. Whether you are adding to a mix, over-seeding a bean field or anything in between this is a great mix. Some will love to mix this with the annual clover blend for a fall plot!