I'm not aiming this at you but at the logic. This is a huge myth that a lot of people don't understand when talking about Resident vs NR hunters and money spent in the state. The hunting industry in Ohio is a billion dollar industry. NR hunters are a very insignificant portion of that. While it is true that they spend a little money inside the state it's miniscule compared to what a resident spends in an average year. Most everything a NR brings to the state they bring on a trailer and was purchased elsewhere. Whereas a resident purchased almost everything inside the state. If a NR drives 1000 miles to hunt Wayne National Forrest or a resident drives 100 miles to hunt Wayne National Forrest, odds are the resident still spent more money in the state of Ohio. Their needs while hunting will be the same. The difference is 90% of the things the NR bought we're purchased out of state. Even truck he drove and the trailer he used to haul it all here. The bow in his hands, the grill he's cooking on, the camo on his back, right down to the paper he wipes his butt with, odds are it was all purchased out of state and didn't add a penny to the state economy. The reverse could be said for the resident. Almost everything he purchased he purchased in Ohio and supported his local economy. Residents travel around the state to hunt also. Most go to deer camps or other locations off and on throughout the season. The cost for the resident to make the hunting trip puts far more money in the local economy than a NR who drove a thousand miles. The reason is the money spent inside the state line is all that that matters, the residents trip started and ended in the state
Very well said indeed.