Dropped off a receiver for a Smith and Wesson 1000m semi auto shotgun at a local gun shop to sell on consignment because the law says I can no longer sell it myself over eBay for example. It was either that or fill it with lead and make it in to an anchor... Peeve# 1. It was jut the receiver and magazine tube attached to it with no other parts.
Well I get a call from them and a gunsmith down state had purchased it to replace one he screwed up for a customer... Ouch for him! My share was $170 for just the receiver and magazine tube. I paid $250 for the whole gun!
So I take the check to my bank, which is the same bank the gunsmith uses and we both have banked there longer than the Teller has lived! She takes the check out of the tube and looks at it then walks over to another teller to show her and they both then glance out the drive up window at me. They talk a little bit then my teller walks off. But I can still see her as she talks to the manager... she finally comes back and asks me if I have an account at the bank, to which I respond yes and give her the account number. Pet Peeve #'s 2, 3 and 4...
So she goes and checks my accounts and sees that I have more money in them then she makes in a year. So she then cashes my check and sends it out to me. I then I say, "I have a question for you. Why would you need to know if I have a check drawn on your bank, why do you need to know if I have an account? She responds that they now limit check cashing on checks drawn on their bank if the person cashing the check isn't a customer! Can you believe that? I wonder what that number is? Must be under $170 if she needed to ask me! I know they also put holds on checks I have cashed in the past for anything over a grand too!
They act like it is their money and not ours, right? Well guess what! It is THEIR MONEY! You see banking laws were quietly changed in this country under Dodd Frank law which says we are unsecured creditors of the bank when we put or are forced to have our money EFT'ed into a bank. Thus if the bank has issues we get in line to be paid with their landscaper!! Pet Peeves number 5, 6 and 7 I think!
But really I believe she had an issue with the word Gunshop on the check also, based upon her attitude, which was professional but got colder when the check hit her hands... Peeve #8. This too is the result of the banks rotating out branch managers and staff so that they don't become friendly with the clients any longer and can't then recognize you from past transactions...so much for service HUH! #9, which back in the day was part of a Beatles tune 'You know my name so call my number."
If I had employees, I would pay them daily in cash and I know they would show up for work and have a better appreciation for their job, plus I expect their spouses would show up at lunch to pick the cash up and in turn drop off the working spouses lunch to boot! It would fix a lot of what is wrong in this country today and by pass the banksters also!
Ahh...I feel better now! Carry on!