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Nothing about Nothing


Junior Member
Delaware County
"but a friend sent this to me and I wanted to see how y'all would respond" is what that was supposed to say, sorry for not checking this earlier, I was in class all day. Not sure where the hell the rest of the sentence went or if I just somehow didn't actually type it in the first place. Kids my age (myself included) can't really understand the full emotions from 9/11 so it's kinda hard to always know how to respond when someone makes a joke of it. I found it not necessarily offensive sense I don't really take offense to anything but a bit tasteless. This also probably wasn't the right thread to post that in sense this is all supposed to be funny. Apologies to all, I'm happy to remove it



Do whatever you want but I hope you leave it up. People have forgotten how you are supposed to react when things are offensive. When something is offensive we are supposed to look at it, say "that's offensive" and move on. We aren't supposed to pounce on the person and demand action be taken. Has the social justice warrior mentality really seeped into this place?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Made me think about a picture that I laughed my ass off about -
It was a picture of the A-bomb and a caption like "The US Govt - making Rice Krispies way before Kelloggs"
I don't think I'da laffed if I was Japanese. Or Jesus.

We're all fucked up in our own ways:smiley_depressive:

Somebody please post some titty pictures :smiley_coolpeace:


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member