Another day another dollar. Dang my new department is F'd up.
You're in "CHARGE"! Take care of it! :smiley_adfundum:
Another day another dollar. Dang my new department is F'd up.
Who the heck gets a cold in the dog days of august?...well I will tell you who...I do! dammit
LMAO...thanks.I watched a hunting show and da was shooting an Excalibur and da kilt dis big bear. I said "that's so easy a caveman could do it" and dis big hairy guy bust in my door and beat da chit out of me. Looked a little like Geeeeezer! :smiley_adfundum:
pppffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffff ff fff ffT
You're in "CHARGE"! Take care of it! :smiley_adfundum:
some fuggars are getting fired next week.