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Nuisance Trapping.


Dignitary Member
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#26 & 27.



Dignitary Member
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Both boars again.

It's amazing the personality differences between individuals. The one in the bucket was playful and seemed almost like a pet. Verdocilele.

The other one with his face scared up and his ears almost gone from fighting was freaking mean. If he pulled out I assure you he was gonna make a go at me before running off.


Staff member
Lost our first chicken yesterday, so we set out the box trap and 3 dog proofs. With the head gone, it being eaten asshole first, and the carcass left behind, it was a textbook coon kill based on my experience. They've also been digging up 12" of bedding in the ducks pen eating rotten duck eggs, so it's really my fault I lost a chicken because that started a week ago and I should have been trapping then. One down, more to go...



Well-Known Member
We've lived at our current residence for 15 years. Never had an issue with moles and out of nowhere BAM! Mole hills everywhere. Tried a few gimics and nothing worked. Set some traps earlier in the spring with no luck. Some new tunnels started over the weekend. Reset my trap last evening and had my first kill when I got home. Set 2 more....hope I get lucky again.


Supporting Member
Ross County

Consider getting yourself some sort of a little terrier dog and let him or her go at it. Mine will seek them out all day long. Better than anything else ever used that I have seen. You may have some holes to repair afterwards, but no worse than than any big mole hole really. Our yard used to be littered with them until I brought this little guy home.


I maintained the property that we currently live at now for over 20 years. Before we actually lived here, which was my wife's grandfather's place prior, he used traps all the time in the yard. They now collect dust hanging in the barn because like I said, my little dog absolutely seeks them out and destroys them immediately once any mole, and I mean any, makes their presence known in the yard today. He (Star) is a great little rescue of mine. Had him for for about five years now I believe. Next mole kill he gets, I'll share just how proud he is/gets, or better yet, when is he actually hunts one down I'll get a video of him. He's damn efficient in seeking them out. I get a kick out of it every time when I see him doing it.
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You need to get what the moles are after. Good chance you have a grub problem. Most times it's Japanese Beatle grubs. Get rid of the grubs and the moles will move on.
We have used Grub X in the past and I have to swear by it. Been years since we applied it to our yard and that first summer we noticed less and less mounds. None anywhere til last year and into this year now. Time to get after them again now.


Dignitary Member
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I was planting azaleas in the yard and saw a raccoon open the garbage can lid and go in. Broad damn daylight. I went over and tapped on the lid with my shovel, as soon as he stuck his head out I smacked the fuck out of him in the head. Think that killed him. Nooooo. Fucker just ran off. 😅. Thought I was gonna get my first mele kill. 😅


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I was planting azaleas in the yard and saw a raccoon open the garbage can lid and go in. Broad damn daylight. I went over and tapped on the lid with my shovel, as soon as he stuck his head out I smacked the fuck out of him in the head. Think that killed him. Nooooo. Fucker just ran off. 😅. Thought I was gonna get my first mele kill. 😅
Guess either raccoon have harder heads then a deer does or you need to ask that old lady how to hit them right with that shovel 🤣🤣