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Odd little buck

JBrown said:
My theory is it was born REALLY late and didn't fully develop it's pedicles before winter... So the following year (this year), instead of a nice forkhorn or 6pt basket he grows a set of mongoloids. Pedicles are the "foundation" of antlers... Poor foundation = poor antlers.
I like your theory, but I've never heard of that sort of malfunction and didn't know it existed. A very plausable possibility. Thanks for sharing.



*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Interesting. My theory is it was born REALLY late and didn't fully develop it's pedicles before winter... So the following year (this year), instead of a nice forkhorn or 6pt basket he grows a set of mongoloids. Pedicles are the "foundation" of antlers... Poor foundation = poor antlers.

Or... just plain shitty genetics. Hard to say, really.

If it isn't genetics I'd guess you are correct.
Maybe about 10 years ago as the doe population was really booming in the area I hunt I began to notice more young(1.5 yo) bucks were getting smaller and goofier racks. Since the doe population is getting cut I think were are seeing less of that. I believe a higher percent of the does are getting bred their first heat.

This little buck was killed on a farm very close to city limits where the city annexed about 1000 acres but most still isn't developed. Lots of deer habitat close by where hunting isn't allowed.