They seem to be doing a decent job of getting the word out. I actually saw the link and accessed the survey via Twitter before I ever checked my email. It is up on Facebook too and I noticed that a lot of people are tagging people they know in the comment section of the link. Another way of spreading the word with people we know on Facebook, but might not get on and read every day. I've also noticed that it is showing up in online versions of print media (newspapers primarily) so I assume the articles are also getting printed in the actual newspapers as well. Since announcements like this often just show up in "outdoor sections" and those don't get printed in every edition, I expect more and more newspaper stories will appear in the next couple of weeks.
I would have liked to have commented on a primary and secondary county as we were able to do in the regular deer hunting survey. My primary hunting area has no shortage of deer. My secondary county has been so depleted that we did not see any deer in '11 or '12 and so we did not make the trip in '13. I wrote that in the comment section.
Overall though I liked how they set up the survey. The results will be interesting.