Per Tonkavich about 4 years in to their herd reduction plans, that is sound wildlife management logic. There aren't less deer, hunters just suck, less squirrels are getting hit on the road because they don't have to travel as far for food, deer are the same and hunters haven't adapted to the abundant mast crop.
I trust my State Officials.
If they say I can kill 6 deer per season, I'm going to keep killing deer until someone is proven wrong.
...or there are no more deer...or turkeys...or whatever. It's not about the money being pushed through by the Ohio Insurance Commission to reduce car/deer it?
...don't get me started on how the coyote populations suddenly exploded, via trucking them into the state.
Letting bobcat populations to increase, only to watch the turkey populations to take a hit, is nothing short of insanity. I know a guy in Jackson County that owns 600 acres, has it posted with trail cams and hasn't seen a turkey in over 4 years, since he started seeing bobcats. Nutz!