Shocker that Wal-Mart and the gas stations in Athens/Meigs County provide all the specimens!!! lmao
Beginning to think your stalking that guy in the camo hat as a few of those pics look like the same guys lol. Honestly I think you just like takin pics of guys lmao
Hey, given the opportunity I would capture a femullet all day long. But they're more elusive and I would get caught much easier.
plus your ol lady would kick your ass if the femullet woman didn't do it first. lmao
I tell ya, the fems that have that hair style are much more hostile then the men and more manly most of the time lol.
This is true. Although a femulet can be a good thing. Approach soft and calm. Offer it a cigarette and eventually work your way up to a date. Free body guard before you know it.
These are all fair chase mullets too which makes your picture collection all that more impressive.
This is true. Although a femulet can be a good thing. Approach soft and calm. Offer it a cigarette/cigar and eventually work your way up to a date. Free body guard before you know it.
Seeing all these mullets at once makes me want to grow mine back