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Official Mullet Thread

Travis from Pa.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Hey, given the opportunity I would capture a femullet all day long. But they're more elusive and I would get caught much easier.

There's a lesbian that lives across the street from me that has a mullet, she mows her yard in a cut off shirt with no bra. She only mows once a month so I'll see if I can get a pic soon:smiley_clap: Forgot about the neighbor guy, he's got a mullet. I'll get a picture of him if I can, he's stoned most of the time when he mows his yard and he has Harley mud flaps on his zero turnrotflmao
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Out too dinner with the family and caught this.... Sent it too Jesse too see if it was mullet worthy I'm on meds so too me everything is funny..... He approved lol


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