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Ohio 2013 Rut Report.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
For me, the 28th through Nov 4 were awesome. I did not get to hunt very long any of those mornings, but each hunt was intense for the first two hours after sunrise. The rut seemed pretty normal to me this year, and it's still ticking along I'm sure. What local does were bred, and what are left to be bred will determine what you all will see for the remainder of the season. I've seen some of the best rut action of the year in January. That sounds like bunk, but it's the truth. One hot doe in your neighborhood and every buck around will come looking.

The one pictured below was killed on Dec. 17 a few years back after I'd spotted him locked down with a doe. This deer showed up on the property the year before in late December due to one hot doe. We had killed the dominant buck on the property earlier that season, so this fella just never left. From the time he showed up on the property until his death, I don't think he ever strayed far from the farm. I had pics of him nearly every day for a year.

The rut is a 3 month process. Over the next week, some of the biggest deer of the season will be arrowed. Many of them will get shot due to following a doe, or looking for one. I'm willing to bet some of our members will shoot bucks in gun season that mistakenly followed a doe right down the gun barrel.

Anyone that still has a tag and is not in the woods from now till gun season is out of their minds, IMO. One of the better weeks of the season right now. You may not see as many, but you will likely see the biggest. This is not the time to be giving up!

Most of our bucks and ALL of our biggest have been taken during this week. So that's why i'm out there hitting it.


Junior Member
I hunted this morning till 10. The snow was beautiful. I thought they would be moving but it was slow. Saw 5 does, all just moving real slow through the timber. I hope to be back at it tonight. I just cant stand having a buck tag in my pocket.


Junior Member
I hunted Sunday evening in Athens, I had my first encounter with a mature buck right at dark. From what I have seen on my trip and now, the action is better now in that area, during my trip I saw 1 mature buck cruising but Sunday evening that buck was coming in to check 4 mature does that walked by 30 mins. prior and was accompanied by smaller bucks as well tagging along.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My neighbor had his kids out during youth season. His daughter shot a solid 8. His son shot a giant, knocked him down only to watch him get up as he reloaded his muzzle loader. They couldn't find him. This was Saturday evening. On Sunday, my neighbor went back, saw the giant at a distance limping around, chasing a doe! BtW, when my neighbor says "giant", I take his word for it. He knows the difference.


Junior Member
Took my nephew hunting All day sunday. On the way in we jumped up a big buck bedded with a doe, my nephew shot and missed. Then at about 5:15 we had a nice lil 100" 8 come cruising through which my nephew again missed. Then after that we headed back to the truck only to find another big buck cruising the field we were parked in! So theyre still doing some chasing, cruising and what not. At least in Adams County they are!


Junior Member
My buddy saw a "big" buck pushing does last night in a field coming home out here. I'll try to put an all day sit in on Thanksgiving.


Senior Member
Haven't reported in a while as I haven't been doing much hunting. But I will say I am still seeing bucks with does. Saw 3 bucks chasing a doe in one of my spots tonight as I was pulling a camera. All nice bucks. 120+


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm not having luck seeing much of the big guys, but these dinks have been going at it .......



Junior Member
SW Ohio
I usually go to the gun range with my son on Thanksgiving and shoot up some targets. To cold and windy so we skipped it... plus ammo is too damn expensive! Friday I plan on hitting the woods for some turkey hunting but between you and me I am using my crossbow in hopes a BIG buck saunters by. Why the heck am I up at 2:00 in the morning???


Junior Member
The woods
I usually go to the gun range with my son on Thanksgiving and shoot up some targets. To cold and windy so we skipped it... plus ammo is too damn expensive! Friday I plan on hitting the woods for some turkey hunting but between you and me I am using my crossbow in hopes a BIG buck saunters by. Why the heck am I up at 2:00 in the morning???

Because your a restless Ohio deer hunter like the majority of the rest of us.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
The doe I shot last evening was chased directly in front of my stand by a small buck, there were 2 does being chased, I stopped them and shot one.


Junior Member
SW Ohio
Looks like I get to eat my fall turkey tag. While turkey hunting today I saw 8 doe all together near my tree stand. As I walked the property perimeter I saw at least two more does and also two bucks walking together on the neighboring property. I'd say the rut is over. Now for shotgun week!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Looks like I get to eat my fall turkey tag. While turkey hunting today I saw 8 doe all together near my tree stand. As I walked the property perimeter I saw at least two more does and also two bucks walking together on the neighboring property. I'd say the rut is over. Now for shotgun week!

Two days ago I shot one of two does being chased by a buck. He came in with his nose to the ground, found the does and ran them straight to me. He was also seen last night with the other doe.