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Ohio deer hunting help

You are welcome, hope it helps. I've lived within 20 miles of Ravenna all my life (61 years) and have hunted all of the areas I listed. I think Auburn Marsh would be your best bet by far the week after gun season. There is an old apple orchard on the south east part of this area. Small and hard to find, but I saw lots of deer in there in October even before the area was made archery only.


Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
Thank you I really appreciate that, since i have limited time and archery only that sounds like a great possibility! I am excited to experience a completely different world of hunting. Here in AZ typically spotting a deer takes hours to stalk up too and hike to before getting a chance to even close the gap to 60-100yds.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats on the dandy mule deer. In regards to size? Shoot what floats your boat. I would think a P&Y sized deer coming in blind would be as good as a 200" deer to many. Probably a lofty goal on a week long trip with no background info on the area. That said, if a 100" deer or an 80" deer tickles your fancy. . . Good for you. I feel any county in the state can produce a trophy. Most of them are simply not accessible. Around here 120-140" is a trophy (to me). Next county might be 140-160", but another county might be 100-120". Just too many variables to tell you what YOU should shoot. That is all in your eye. We don't judge. You shoot a buck you like, feel free to post it up. Anybody has the balls to bad mouth it, then they have the balls to take a public flogging from us. Lol

Best of luck. Be safe and enjoy your hunt!


Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
No worries, any time I get to hunt I enjoy it! I will certainly post pictures here if I am successful! In Arizona we are allowed one deer a year state wide and no doe hunting allowed. I kill my big muley in Jan this year so it has been a long year watching everyone hunt! However I did get to guide my father when he took his first Coues whitetail just last week, it was a great experience but I am ready to get out and fling an arrow and one myself!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Here is a little known tip you may find to your liking. There is a small public hunting area (Auburn Marsh WA 462 acres) in Geauga county about 20 miles north of Ravenna. Gun hunting for deer is not allowed on this Wildlife Area. Bowhunting only for deer. Deer tend to flock to this sanctuary the week of gun season. Should be good the week after gun season for archery. Lots of thick swampy terrain here. This would be my first choice.

Beat me to it. lol.

I got to thinking about that at work today. "why didnt I mention the marsh?!"

A couple years ago I was working in Twinsburg and was staying there rather than drive back and forth. I figured I'd try some local public spots as long as I was there. I tryed west branch a couple times, poked around off of cable line road.On the south west side of the lake. Some nice looking area that looked to have potential, but I hit the marsh several times. Was just starting to get the lay of it when the job was done and I went home. Never did find the orchard you were talking about and I never got a chance to go back. Maybe we can hook up some time and see if we can pull one out of there. I've been wanting to get back up there anyway.
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Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
Any kind of help would be great especially some in person help, I will be there the second week of Dec. just message me if you want to hunt I am game to meet hunters from others places and hang out.


*Supporting Member*
That Auburn marsh is definitely a place I would check out if I were you.

I'm just east of Ravenna and have some knowledge of the public hunting around here. I wish I could point you in a good direction, but it all gets hunted pretty hard. There are a few spots around Mosquito that almost always have deer to archery hunt in the early season, but those areas will be pounded by the time you get here.

Not making any promises, but I'll talk to a few people and see if there isn't a spot you could hunt for a day or two around me.


Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
Thank you I really appreciate that, I am open for anything!
That Auburn marsh is definitely a place I would check out if I were you.

I'm just east of Ravenna and have some knowledge of the public hunting around here. I wish I could point you in a good direction, but it all gets hunted pretty hard. There are a few spots around Mosquito that almost always have deer to archery hunt in the early season, but those areas will be pounded by the time you get here.

Not making any promises, but I'll talk to a few people and see if there isn't a spot you could hunt for a day or two around me.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I know nothing about hunting up the way your headed but very glad to see how much our membership has helped you! Good luck on your quest!

Heck of a nice mulie BTW! Congrats!


Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
I agree, it is nice to know not all hunters are out for their own good. I have always been one to point people in the right direction if I know of one!

I know nothing about hunting up the way your headed but very glad to see how much our membership has helped you! Good luck on your quest!

Heck of a nice mulie BTW! Congrats!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I agree, it is nice to know not all hunters are out for their own good. I have always been one to point people in the right direction if I know of one!

What? I thought you were going to take us all on free guided mule deer hunts in AZ now? Crap. I am bummed now. lmao

Good luck on your hunt AZHunter37.


Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
Hey you come out here I can certainly help you out, coues deer are extremely difficult to hunt with a bow! Javalina hell they are running arounf all over the place, they are nasty stinky little things.


Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
They are fun to bow hunt, especially when you use a call, they come running at you. I have had them come at me hard and close enough I have had to kick the little bastards


Junior Member
Tucson, AZ
Hey guys I am getting close to my trip out to Ohio, I will be there Saturday and hopefully able to get out and hunt Sunday. The weather looks like it is going to turn cold through the week, any advice for hunting strategy for temps of highs in the mid 20's? In Southern AZ we dont get to many days like that so I am clueless to how and when deer move in those temps? Any advice would be great. Thanks guys!