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Ohio EHD 2024 edition 😞

I stand corrected sir. :)
The facts that I was told was by people that were at KDP and obviously they told me wrong and/or didn't know the entire details. Also, you're right about the EHD vs. CWD. Good to hear that the meat didn't go to waste. (y) Another issue that wasn't passed along. :rolleyes:
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
These ODNR idiots have got nothing better to do than come up with this BS, of "we need help". :mad: Their own report says that it's not transferable to humans or livestock. There's no cases of it, according to their map, of it being in their highly published DSA counties. :rolleyes: Let it go!!! Leave it alone!!!

The DNR allegedly shot approximately 200 deer in the Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area, last year, in an effort to stop EHD. Did they test any of the deer that they shot? NO! How do they know the deer that they're killing have EHD? They don't! :unsure:
All they're doing is lowering the odds of anyone getting to kill a deer, during the regular hunting seasons. :mad:

The DNR did use a backhoe to dig a huge hole to bury the dead deer, on the Killdeer Plains property. This is an Ohio EPA violation of ground water contamination, of which they will never be charged, because it's the State vs. the State. So, the Ohio EPA looks the other way. :cautious:

The entire issue is about the money. We all know that the ODNR is under pressure from the Ohio Insurance Commission to reduce the deer population. If the had a lick of sense between them, they should raise the out of state license fees, like the rest of the states around us.
Ain't none of it going to happen anyway. Nuff said....:sneaky:
You, sir, need to do some serious homework before calling folks “idiots.”

Dave is talking about EHD… epizootic hemorrhagic disease… not CWD, ya jackwagon.

The DNR did not shoot 200 deer at KDP last year. And, ALL of the deer that were culled were butchered by licensed processors, held long enough to confirm non-detect for CWD, and donated to food pantries.

Get your shit straight before spewing your nonsense.


Staff member
No sign of EHD around here, which is shocking. My only thought has been it's so dry, there is no standing water for the midges. We only have ponds and rivers left. The # of spring fed cattle waterers around here probably helps as well.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member

I think it'll be interesting to see what this week's update looks like. Keep in mind, these are only confirmed counts.