I would like to ask a question, who does more damage to the herd, a res, or a nonres, in my opinion the nr,s are killing far less deer than the res, why do i know this, because i read several different forums, see the pics, as a nr i am out for one deer, not nine thru out the state, i will also(like most nr) not kill any does, eat tags for several years, and not get bent out of shape, i know a lot of you guys are in it for the meat, thats fine, i don;t have a problem with that, but almost every time a res gets bent out of shape they blame it on the ohdnr, or the nonresidents, low deer numbers, land lost, no big bucks on said land, we only go to you,re state a couple times a year, you complain that you can,t find land to hunt because we are leasing it up so fast with our big dollars, i don,t think so, i have been going there for less than a year, already turning down land because i cannot hunt but so much, some of the best land owners i have ever meet, so why do i find (or it finds me) land and i,m not from ohio so easly, had a farmer ask if i needed a place to hunt, just because i would go sit and drink coffee and socialize with them a few times, be willing to offer help, and or a little money, was told they did not allow res to hunt his land because there was no respect from some of the locals, i think we offer a lot other than money, to the herds, on the land that we hunt, in the little time i have have been to ohio, i,ve seen what some of the locals will do for a deer, with big antlers, laid in my camper and heard the gun shots after dark, just to see the deer that was killed a few hours after lite, so instead of bashing the nr,s, let,s try and do some hunting together, it,s supposed to be a time of enjoyment not stress, i know i will be bashed for this post but some makes us feel not welcome and no my feelings are not hurt, love the great state of OHIO, i have only meet one but-hole and he was an old ex marine, but i tried to thank him for his service, he did NOT want my thanks, sorry for the rant.