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Ohio on TV Regularly


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
I drive 14 hours from NH to hunt Ohio for 2 weeks a year. While the fact the non-resident license and tag is cheaper than other states is a plus it's not the main reason we come to your state. For me it's the closest Midwest state to the east coast so that's huge. Most east coast hunters can get there in a day. That plus the amount of public land available to hunt are the 2 main reasons my buddy and I chose Ohio.


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
I was watching a hunting show a while back with a well known "star" hunter. I believe he is a resident of Ohio. At the start of the show he stated he was on an early September archery hunt in Ohio. The bucks were all still in velvet. If this was truly in Ohio then he was hunting penned deer. I have watched very few hunting shows since.

As far as the price for NR's? An extra $100 isn't going to stop them. It's cheap entertainment. I pay it to hunt WV. If they raise the cost over there...I will pay it.


Junior Member
dunn nc
I would like to ask a question, who does more damage to the herd, a res, or a nonres, in my opinion the nr,s are killing far less deer than the res, why do i know this, because i read several different forums, see the pics, as a nr i am out for one deer, not nine thru out the state, i will also(like most nr) not kill any does, eat tags for several years, and not get bent out of shape, i know a lot of you guys are in it for the meat, thats fine, i don;t have a problem with that, but almost every time a res gets bent out of shape they blame it on the ohdnr, or the nonresidents, low deer numbers, land lost, no big bucks on said land, we only go to you,re state a couple times a year, you complain that you can,t find land to hunt because we are leasing it up so fast with our big dollars, i don,t think so, i have been going there for less than a year, already turning down land because i cannot hunt but so much, some of the best land owners i have ever meet, so why do i find (or it finds me) land and i,m not from ohio so easly, had a farmer ask if i needed a place to hunt, just because i would go sit and drink coffee and socialize with them a few times, be willing to offer help, and or a little money, was told they did not allow res to hunt his land because there was no respect from some of the locals, i think we offer a lot other than money, to the herds, on the land that we hunt, in the little time i have have been to ohio, i,ve seen what some of the locals will do for a deer, with big antlers, laid in my camper and heard the gun shots after dark, just to see the deer that was killed a few hours after lite, so instead of bashing the nr,s, let,s try and do some hunting together, it,s supposed to be a time of enjoyment not stress, i know i will be bashed for this post but some makes us feel not welcome and no my feelings are not hurt, love the great state of OHIO, i have only meet one but-hole and he was an old ex marine, but i tried to thank him for his service, he did NOT want my thanks, sorry for the rant.


Staff member
Who's talking about damaging the herd? IMO, that's irrelevant as you can't put a quantitative value to that the same way you can the value of our herd. That's moving to the emotional side of the argument. And I haven't seen anyone bash NR hunters. The complaint is the undervaluing of our resources and rampant leasing. Those are facts, not tainted opinions.

I have no issue with NRs coming here to hunt. As I said earlier, I allow a NR to hunt our farm.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
I have 3 Buddy's that come from Tennessee and hunt with us we go to there place and hunt as well they all said they would have no problem paying more. I think everyone should be able to enjoy the outdoors but I've lost places do to leasing from out of starers and that kind if leaves a bad taste in your mouth also. Before too long if you don't own land its gonna get worse in finding places too hunt its already getting that way.


*Supporting Member*
New Hampshire
Correct me if I'm wrong but I would imagine most land that is leased is done so by Ohio residents and outfitters. As much as I'd like some private land to hunt I'm not going to pay that kind of money to hunt for 2 or 3 weeks. If I'm leasing it's so I can use it for an entire season. Most other non-residents I've met are either hunting with an outfitter or on public land. I think I can only remember one group of guys who had a lease.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
I am glad that most of my fellow hunters here think the same way I do.. When you see these big out of state or corporate leasing operations or more and more non-resident hunters climbing up every damn tree you see in the woods, it just pisses me off. I took a look at other states to see what fees they charge and they are ALOT more for Ohioans' to hunt there, that even pisses me off more. If you don't think we are loosing trophy class deer to nonresidents for pennies, your sadly mistaken. Why do you think more and more 'so-called' hunting pros are coming to Ohio each year? cheap fees and big bucks!!

Just glad a lot of you guys agree... we just need to pressure these shithead DNR people in changing these regs. I don't see it happening any time soon though... JMTC


Staff member
I can't comment on the state as a whole. However around here, its 3-1 NR over residents who are leading ground. Greg and I lost two farms (if not for him, I'd have never hunted there) to a guy from VA who has more money than sense. The farm that is adjacent to us is leased by a group from NC who have no respect for long respected and established property lines. I can think of several other farms leased by NR hunters and I'd have to think for a bit to come up with leased farms from Ohio hunters. However I plan to contribute to the problem and lease something in the next few years. That's what it takes to get prime ground now and I'm willing to pony up.


Staff member
I'll add that I don't fault anyone personally. I'm glad you guys get to come here and enjoy what we have to offer. It has pros and cons. My only beef is the value we place on it. Outside of that, it is what it is.


*Supporting Member*
I'll add that I don't fault anyone personally. I'm glad you guys get to come here and enjoy what we have to offer. It has pros and cons. My only beef is the value we place on it. Outside of that, it is what it is.

agree 100% when I worked for my buds consulting firm we did a few jobs for guys all the way from NJ. They were great guys, and the dude killed a stud deer. He paid big money I am sure to lease the ground, but worked hard to kill a big deer.

It has nothing to do with respect, rude, etc. Just has to do what folks are willing to pay for one of the best states in the country. I think it should be much more expensive.


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
I agree! Heck I just paid $260 to hunt Ky this year. Last year and every year that I can remember it was $180 for license and tags. I pay it because I have a few farms that I can hunt. I really have nowhere to go in Ohio cause I've heard too many stories about the public land around me that I wont go there. So I suck it up and pay the NR fees in Ky. Now with that being said, I do believe Ohio does need to raise the NR fees. Its like everything else in this world these days, you have to pay to play.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jlane- my cousin is supposed to come up to hunt this year. He is from NC. He said "I um coming up to hunt me some Hia deer. I am killin' me somethin. Doe, buck, don't care. I am takin' Hia deer home wif me."

My typing was intentional for two reasons: He is a true redneck and talks this way. Two: if at all possible, try to check your post prior to clicking to submit. It was a bit difficult to follow to be honest.

I think our state should have reciprocity in costs. You charge $xxxx for us to hunt your state, why do we charge their residents $ 1/2xxxx? Simple as that.

Res and NR will both lease, loot, trespass, be disrespectful outlaws. Then again, they will both also help you out, be law abiding, respectful, etc. Comes down to the person. Not the state they reside.


Junior Member
I think Ohio needs to raise the fee's and I'm now an out of stater. IMO they should be on par with the other states. The only other state that comes to mind that offers a quality whitetail hunt at an affordable cost is Wisconsin. To me, NR fee's are way too much everywhere. I think they should run about what Ohio does, but they don't. Therefore, Ohio needs to raise their fees. Like AJ said, the big killer to Ohio is the amount of public they have in the best part of the state to kill a quality whitetail and their proximity to the east coast. We're going to hunt Kansas next year most likely, but only because we have established a connection there. We still might do a week in Ohio and then head out to KS for a week.

Funny thing about Ohio, it's one of the few states that takes care of the military. I pay less now to come and hunt Ohio as a NR than I did as a resident...