Sounds like y'all found some good spots to sit over! Congrats on coming to Ohio and taking home 2 nice bucks and plenty of venison! We're the last two killed in the afternoon/evening?
Appears to have a rifle bullet exit wound, possible poaching going on here? Coming from out of state to poach our deer with rifles.
I'm hoping you know these guys and are messing with them? If not. . . What. The. . .
Was trying to give him credit. Then I read a few more posts. I agree with you. Pot stirring.Have you read any of his other posts?? It's pretty easy to form an opinion of him.
Have you read any of his other posts?? It's pretty easy to form an opinion of him.
I was suprised he didn't throw out another sales pitch for the strawberry jam sh_it you rub all over your body and the big bucks coming prancing right in.
Hmmmm... might have to try strawberry jam next time
Just remember it's gotta be "two pumps on each shoulder, two pumps on each knee and two pumps on each boot" skimp on that left boot and you will never shoot a P & Y
Welch's or Smuckers? Does it make a difference?
I can't believe I missed this lol. Billy that's the old 30/06 hypodermic tipped round for ya. Good eye