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Opening day doe


Junior Member
She was not the biggest doe but my no scent work did the trick. I had deer less than 10 yards from my ground blind all afternoon. Here was my view....
Can not wait until mid November :)


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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
That is a cool view from the blind. I am just wondering why you didn't shoot that doe? An opportunity like that is hard to pass up for me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Sweet! Sorry for the misunderstanding. Congrats on getting her then. Looks like you should be able to take a couple more from there before it is all said and done.


Junior Member
There are three separate trails than end up at the spot of my shot. Normally my blind is about 12 yards further away but the growth outside the bean fields was crazy this year and I would have needed a back hoe to get my blind in it's usual spot. Can not wait for the beans to come off and hit my ladder stands for a buck.


Junior Member
Ok I had to look again at the photos on my phone after reading these posts and yes....I posted the wrong picture! Oops :) The one I posted was the 4 pt that kept hanging around after 4:30 not the doe I shot. Either way....both were in the exact spot. Thanks for the good eyes everyone!