Today's check was uneventful for the most part other than locating a road kill thanks to a tip from the neighbor. It died in some brush near the road on us and I got it before the yotes did. I parted out some pieces for bait and left the rest to set up on this weekend once they find it. May be too close to the road to be any good, but I can always drag it down in to the weeds and "totally cover" it...
First stop today was my "burrow" set that got worked last night. I set a snare above it so if they come in that way and lean out over the hole, they get caught. I reset the trap with more offset and added some dead sticks on the side it used to work the hole. I stuffed some bait down in the hole and cleaned up the area, then added the Hawbakers food lure and a fresh dose of yote piss. I also hung the nut sac from my kill yesterday up in the tree above it all, alove with a deer ear to put plenty of scent in the air stream down there.
Next set is in our main creek bottom. There is a snare set to catch anything going under the dead fall and bait buried up under the pile of logs in the upper left of the pic. I feel good about this one...
This pic doesn't do it justice, but this setup is awesome. I have a flat set on the backside of the tree on a trail they are using to cut up the hill. I dug a big hole under the tree and buried some bait in there with another foothold, then put a snare up in the pinch point of the brush I piled up. I put all kinds of "encouragement" on/in the tree, so it'll get their attention as they cruise down the holler.
First stop today was my "burrow" set that got worked last night. I set a snare above it so if they come in that way and lean out over the hole, they get caught. I reset the trap with more offset and added some dead sticks on the side it used to work the hole. I stuffed some bait down in the hole and cleaned up the area, then added the Hawbakers food lure and a fresh dose of yote piss. I also hung the nut sac from my kill yesterday up in the tree above it all, alove with a deer ear to put plenty of scent in the air stream down there.
Next set is in our main creek bottom. There is a snare set to catch anything going under the dead fall and bait buried up under the pile of logs in the upper left of the pic. I feel good about this one...
This pic doesn't do it justice, but this setup is awesome. I have a flat set on the backside of the tree on a trail they are using to cut up the hill. I dug a big hole under the tree and buried some bait in there with another foothold, then put a snare up in the pinch point of the brush I piled up. I put all kinds of "encouragement" on/in the tree, so it'll get their attention as they cruise down the holler.