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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Great read Dante. I TOO was in Northern Michigan. My wife and I and 3 of our couples friends opened the Cabin on Lost Lake outside Rogers City Michigan. We slayed some bass and drank some Beer and Shine. Gotta love walking into every gas station and seeing fishing lures, guns, bows, and any smoked meat known to man for sale


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
Good stories. We did the lake Michigan loop two years ago and had a great time. We spent a lot of time on the WI/MI border visiting relatives. Smallmouth bass fishing in the Meniminee river was a great time when we went pre-kids. The UP has some great scenery. Glad you had fun.


Staff member
Sounds like a fun trip! I'd love to go to Wisconsin someday, but not via Michigan!!! My goal is to go to all 49 states and forget about that chunk of land up north!!! :smiley_clap:

Glad you guys had fun Dante!!!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Too bad you didn't make it over to the Porcupine Mountains on the Western end of the U.P. or even up into the Keewenaw Peninsula. Some great places to check out on your next trip up there!!

thjt was the plan for saturday. But Garmin sending us on a wild goose chase altered that idea.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
but not via Michigan!!! My goal is to go to all 49 states and forget about that chunk of land up north!!!

Go Blue!
wheres beener when ya need a little back up!?:smiley_coolpeace:

We managed to accomplish one of our goals. We have now seen all 5 of the great lakes. We also came 1 step closer to visiting all the states of the big ten. Not counting Nebraska just yet. They are too new.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
That's sounds like a great weekend get away Dante, glad you and the wife enjoyed yourselves.

Sounds like we should should schedule a TOO weekend at eagle river.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Great read buddy!! :smiley_clap: Glad you and the wife got to spend some "quality time" together over the weekend. Can't beat that!!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Sounds like I need to take the wife on the 5 1/2 hour drive to Eagle River

wish I was that close. lol.

I did a little checking. The bear hunting is on a lottery basis. $3 gets you in to be drawn. If you dont get drawn you earn prference points for the following years. the more preference points you accumulate, the better your chances of pulling a tag.
If you get drawn, a non resident,class A, bear tag is $250. Class A tags give you the right to actually shoot a bear. There are also class B tags for like $150. a class B tag is for someone who assists the actuall hunter in baiting, tracking, and I would assume, filming.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
from what I saw, there is no lottery for a class B tag. You can just buy one. The preference points are a cool Idea. If you dont get drawn, you accumulate points. If you dont intend to hunt that sesonm, all you do is pay the 3 dollars and inform the dnr that you just want a preference point for that year. Seems to me you could just toss in your 3 dollars for a few years. and by the time you have the money for the trip and all the ducks are in a row, you stand a reasonable chance of getting drawn.