My hand was feeling so good last night when I cleaned up for supper I didn't put the leaf and brace back on. This morning when I woke up my thumb was just pounding with pain and was a level 10 or higher. I put a gauze soaked patch on and within 1 hr. the pain is down to a level 1 again.
A side effect I noticed is my sinuses had a instant relief and my nose cleared up within seconds of putting the patch on. This is interesting as I've has serious sinus infections since 1976. That's the reason I take honey every morning in my 1st cup of coffee. Tomorrow I will try the stinging nettle only and see if my sinuses clear up before taking the honey. On a side note in 1977 my sinus infections was so bad the Nose, Ear, and Throat Doctor sent me to the Rocky Mountains for 6 weeks and they cleared up within 7 days and I've lived with a somewhat serious sinus problem all these years until I started honey each day about 7 yrs. ago.