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Pain relief


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The pain was 90% gone after 3.5 hrs. and I left it on for a total 24 hrs. with almost zero pain level. So I took the brace and stinging nettle leaf off.
The pain started to come back after 12 hrs. so I put the brace and a new leaf back on and the pain left as before.

So it appears it's a treatment that must be left on to get good results. I'll continue to report the results.

FYI: do not handle a leaf with your hands and then wipe sweat from your eye before washing your hands. Not good results. I'll remember that for future reference.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
rotflmao Your "FYI:" made me think of many of times with hot peppers. TOO funny because I know the feeling! Last time was just the other day with BW3's Blazin sauce.


Junior Member
Another plant you might want to look at is the Yarrow Plant. It grows world wide and is found all over the place, I have some in my flower bed behind the house. It has aspirin like qualities and can be made into a tea and also a poultice. Not sure if this would work but its worth a look. The purple part of the root has the most concentration of medicinal qualities. When it is fully grown it has a white umbrella shaped flower and grows to about 3 feet.
On a side note stinging nettle doesn't effect me either.


Junior Member
Here is a pic for reference, Yarrow



"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here is a pic for reference, Yarrow

View attachment 32667

Interesting read.

The stinging nettle treatment is still working 12 plus hours. I'm hoping for the best and just hoping my mind isn't playing tricks on me. But my MS muscle pain has been much better the last 2 days. It's such a blessed pain relieve I just pray it continues.
I've cut the stems of 3 plants up and have soaking in about 2 oz. of distilled water making something like a tea. I'll soak a cotton gauze in it and apply.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Almost 7 days now and the pain relieve is nothing short of amazing. A single leave on the bare skin last 12-14 hours of almost zero pain. I used a gauze soaked pad yesterday and that was even better. Today I went back a leaf as I was working on the tractor and was taking my brace on and off. I have the brace off now to wash up for supper and almost pain free.
I found a big patch down in my clover food plot and I cut several tall plants and striped the leaves off and filled a 1 gallon ziplock bag and put it in the frig to see how they survive. I'll cut the stems up and put into to quart jar with just enough water to cover to make a tea and probably freeze it for winter use.
If the leaves are left in the air they will just dry up to nothing in several hours. Put the same leaves in a sealed ziplock bag and they stay nice and fresh for couple days now.

I hope someone else tries it and see if the get the same relief. Good luck if you do.

Also I've noticed some relief from my whole body muscle pain for the last 3 days. I suffer from 24-7 muscle pain due to my MS and it really seems to help. I can only wonder what pot would do for me and I hope someday to be able to.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My hand was feeling so good last night when I cleaned up for supper I didn't put the leaf and brace back on. This morning when I woke up my thumb was just pounding with pain and was a level 10 or higher. I put a gauze soaked patch on and within 1 hr. the pain is down to a level 1 again.
A side effect I noticed is my sinuses had a instant relief and my nose cleared up within seconds of putting the patch on. This is interesting as I've has serious sinus infections since 1976. That's the reason I take honey every morning in my 1st cup of coffee. Tomorrow I will try the stinging nettle only and see if my sinuses clear up before taking the honey. On a side note in 1977 my sinus infections was so bad the Nose, Ear, and Throat Doctor sent me to the Rocky Mountains for 6 weeks and they cleared up within 7 days and I've lived with a somewhat serious sinus problem all these years until I started honey each day about 7 yrs. ago.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Cool stuff man. A lot of people don't believe in homeopathic remedies and medicine but I'm a firm believer.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Cool stuff man. A lot of people don't believe in homeopathic remedies and medicine but I'm a firm believer.

As I know. Everyone around here is laughing at the crazy old man.
My nose feels like there is compressed air being blowing in. Having sinus problems I've never felt this much air flow before.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I had my 6 month heart exam today and everything went well with improvement. I discussed my sting nettle treatment with the Heart Doctor as I took along the info. She read it and said from the studies being done it works and no side effects to my heart so continue to use it. Her and her nurse both asked me where they can find it for their possible use. Interesting.
Also the Doctor said there is no medical research proof known that 'Willie Nelson's pot' will harm heart patients. Only known pot medicine allowed in Ohio is for cancer patients in a pill form. If my MS muscle pain gets worse it might be something to look into.