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Paint bombed trespasser


Junior Member
N.E. Ohio
Well, when I initially watched the video, I figured this guy was habitual and confronted before and the landowner used one final last measure to rid the trespasser. I guess I assumed too much. After hearing his side, the landowner went too far too soon. The landowner should've definitely talked with this dude before extreme measures.

Thanks for posting the full story Sam. Always two sides...

The article only highlighted ONE side. I would like to hear the landowners side before I formed an opinion.
There was an article where he said he couldnt get into it, but the gentleman was previously warned about trespassing.

The latest update had some quotes from the landowner about warning this guy in the past and that there were all kinds of No Trespassing and You'll Get Painted signs along the perimeter. From what that said the guy who got painted was told to stay off and had replied he'd been doing it for years and wouldn't quit.


Staff member
If the law there is like the law here, good luck getting them to do much about it. I'm all for the landowner taking this in to his own hands IF and only IF they'd been around on this issue before. If this was the first strike from either side, I'd have went down and beat his ass into the ground if I were that old man.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Maybe rather harsh but if the landowner told the trespasser to stay off the land and there was No Trespassing sings up with You Will get painted signs. Then the trespasser was dumb enough to trespass anyway he got what was coming to him.