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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH

BOLO NAS Pensacola


I'm normally bowhunting in TOO at the time but this is great opportunity for anyone to experience. Might break away to come back for it.

The Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola 2024 Blue Angels Homecoming Airshow – featuring the U.S. Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron (NFDS) The Blue Angels – is also scheduled to include the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds during this year’s Nov. 1 and 2 events.

“Having our military’s top flight demonstration teams perform at the ‘Cradle of Naval Aviation’ will undoubtedly be an experience you won’t want to miss!” said NAS Pensacola Commanding Officer Capt. Terry ‘Village’ Shashaty. “The Blue Angels and the Homecoming Airshow are most certainly ingrained in the identity of Pensacola and the surrounding communities, and we are proud to be able to host a family-friendly event showcasing the capabilities and precision of both the Navy and Air Force teams as well as our civilian performers!”
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
And sometimes the Beach Buzz is a little more Special! CH-47 formation on memorial day off the end Navarre Pier. My least favorite rotor wing to ride in. We get alot of Ft Nosovel and Ft Rucker rotor wing training flights, Eglin F-15C and E's (phasing out) F-22's, Hurlburt AC-130's, MC-130's, CV-22's...

'Merica any given day.



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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Splitting the points between me and @Chancegriffis - always worse to be on the East side of these beasties. Afterword it might bring some much needed relief to parched sections East of the Mississippi, prolly flood some areas that need rain. 😕

The pocket between Apalachicola and St Marks is a magnet for these things. Crawfordsville, Tally etc is gonna get smooshed.. again.

The cajun navy is assembling as well as the power and light crews. Let's cross the fingers, say a prayer....and prepare.

"Waiting on a hurricane 🌀 is like being stalked by a turtle."

Lotsa machines in the sky today. All are sortieing the local wings to safe havens.

Macdill AFB
Tyndall AFB
Eglin AFB
Hurlburt AFB


Always impressive when the beasts move into the hot open Gulf.... by this evening it'll cover most of the GOM.

Meanwhile all of the Gulf Coast is waiting on this ill omen...
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Surge over this way, 120 miles from landfall was only 1.5'. Devastation starts about Apalachicola and runs East then SSE to just North if Tampa...


Got up and posted the colors after retiring them in yesterday's wee thunderstorm ⛈.


My Marine buddy Mooch's dock in the same Bay.

Didn't have the winds or big surge being on the West side of it. Those in its worst part the path are still at 5' to 8' in the surge. The Cajun Navy is assembling and heading that way.

On another note we lost another SOF airman this week, diving accident. Recovery of his body took 2 days and happened Tuesday, he would have lost to the sea in a couple more hours.

@Chancegriffis was in the middle on/around Cedar Key which took the brunt. In Florida's forgotten coast.
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
That must quite a challenge to put a fish like that in a kayak!!

Navarre is getting international notice for the 'winter' Blackfin tuna run. Its so good that a novice on the right day with the right conditions can smash a couple 20-30# tuna. It's also called the Gulf Coast Sled Ride. Getting towed by a fish, in a peice of Tupperware by a sailfish or tuna or whatevermay bite.



Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
In this run a buddy that is a Kayak guide and a hellofa fisherman- has caught them on poppers and trolling both. They're following the squid run and Navarre has the longest lighted pier on the Gulf of Mexico. It attracts the bait fish the squid eat. The tuna are after the squid, stupid full bellies and trying to engulf a Rap 12 or 14.

@Jackalope I've caught most of mine trolling in front of birds, have poppers and tried that both chumming for them on the Edge (60 fathom curve of limestone) caught them on poppers out 20 miles bit not off the yak... yet 😉.. I've tried it - hadn't hooked up yet.

LoL let's just say a average 28# tuna on a kayak is a tussle. Video below 1st person.

I endorse him as a safe and professional kayak fishing guide if anyone wants to come down and try it that doesn't have a yak.

If anyone has a yak and wants to try it, when I'm home I'll help take you out, it's basic fishing stuff but launch and recovery in decent surf can be challenging if you've never experienced it. Also as the winter deepens the water drop into the mid 60's so cold water gear is essential for safety and comfort.
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Well-Known Member
Keene, OH
Once in a lifetime event on the bayou



The world just ended here for a group of folks, many 18yo's here have never seen snow ❄ in their life. Out in ot for the first time.
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