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PCRs may be legal, soon!

Hopefully, our ODNR will consider and/or allow PCRs for the Deer Gun Season, next year. PCR = Pistol Cartridge Rifles. Indiana and Illinois has had this regulation in place for 3 years and with good success.

Rossi has given a nice "push" to the PCR regulation, with their new addition, called the Ranch Hand. It's classified as a handgun by the Feds and that's how it's sold. It comes in .357 Mag., .44 Mag. and 45 Colt. It looks like a lever action rifle that's been "chopped"....and it's legal for Ohio's Deer Gun Season.

I wouldn't mind owning one of these, as you can't have too many guns. :smiley_bril: Even though the MSRP is $536, Bud's Gun Shop lists the .44 Mag. for $408. :smiley_chinrub:

I'd like to see the PCR regulation go into effect, as I have a Henry Big Boy that I'd like to put into action for the Deer Gun Season. :smiley_blink:

Would you like to see the PCR regulation go into effect?

Your thoughts and opinions are appreciated.
Thank you, Bowhunter57


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What the heck, allow them! Kinetic energy of a slug tumbling has got to be more dangerous (at least "as" dangerous) than these bullets. Modern muzzle loaders and some of the shotgun ammo is pretty accurate and able to reach out a good distance. Why not allow them?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I would like to see it. I've got a Marlin carbine in the 44 mag. 16" trapper. It kinda goes w/ the 44 Redhawk. I use 44 spe on wood chucks and have ranged 44mags for yots (but never connected...yet)
I believe my in-line is able to generate equal or higher fps..


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I would like to see it. I've got a Marlin carbine in the 44 mag. 16" trapper. It kinda goes w/ the 44 Redhawk. I use 44 spe on wood chucks and have ranged 44mags for yots (but never connected...yet)
I believe my in-line is able to generate equal or higher fps..

I have argues for a long time that PCR's and single shot BPCR (black powder cartridge rifles) should be allowed. Ballistically they are inferior to modern saboted slugs or muzzleloaders.

They only issue I see is ODNR's 3 shot rule for shotguns. Most PCR's are not as simple to plug as a shotgun.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I have argues for a long time that PCR's and single shot BPCR (black powder cartridge rifles) should be allowed. Ballistically they are inferior to modern saboted slugs or muzzleloaders.

They only issue I see is ODNR's 3 shot rule for shotguns. Most PCR's are not as simple to plug as a shotgun.

Whats a Plug??



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Is the .35 cal Rem considered straight or necked down???? It looks straight wall, but has a minor little neck down if you want to get technical.... I'd sure like to use my Grandads deer gun for an Ohio deer someday...
J said:
Is the .35 cal Rem considered straight or necked down???? It looks straight wall, but has a minor little neck down if you want to get technical.... I'd sure like to use my Grandads deer gun for an Ohio deer someday...
You'd have to ask...or wait to see what the ODNR allows for cartridges. They are considering allowing what is listed in the Regulations for handgun cartridges, for now. However, I know a couple of guys that are using .444 Marlin and .45-70 Govt. in a T/C and one uses a Magnum Research BFR (Biggest Finest Revolver), so it would be safer in the long run to ask before you hunt...if they don't have a list if/when this starts. :smiley_chinrub:

Anything with a neck in it, isn't allowed. The .45-70 is considered (in the reloading manuals) to be a tapered case. Even so, the ODNR allows it because of the straight wall.

Good hunting, Bowhunter57


Senior Member
Is the .35 cal Rem considered straight or necked down???? It looks straight wall, but has a minor little neck down if you want to get technical.... I'd sure like to use my Grandads deer gun for an Ohio deer someday...

Marlin 336 lever action, I'd throw on a scope with those Horandy lever revolution and I would shoot out to 200 yards, easy.

Like they said, the 'plug' part would be the hardest.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I called the ODNR before I took my 44mag out last year. Asked them what I was supposed to do to plug off the 3 without bullets? They said just don't put any ammo in. Good enough for me.
I have had several chances to talk to some of the head GW's abot BPCR and pistol cal rifles being made legal for Ohio deer hunting

Long story short

At least as of last spring , no real chance of it happening
As they are afraid some fool will say .......how are they going to know what cal my lever action rifle is
And use a Browning BLR in 308 or a 30/30
And end up shooting/killing someone well past the range where a pistol or shotgun would do any real harm

As for the 444 Marlin and 45/70
If you get a GW to open the books he carrys with him
The law dose say straight wall not parall
And as the 444 and 45/70 are tapered , they are legal

I emailed the ODNR and ask , I then printed off and carry the responce I got stating them being legal

I have used my TC Contender Pistol with a 45/70 barrel on several deer here in Ohio



*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I called the ODNR before I took my 44mag out last year. Asked them what I was supposed to do to plug off the 3 without bullets? They said just don't put any ammo in. Good enough for me.

Makes you wonder who answers the phone at the ODNR, some intern maybe??

The plug rule only applies to shotguns, not to handguns. You could legally hunt with an Automag or Desert Eagle with 8 round mags and be within the law.


Senior Member
I was talking to my dad about this just now and it brought up a couple of questions.

He said that once upon a time his buddy loaded some rounds for his .35 Remington and the guy commented that the .35 Rem is actually the same size as a pistol round. I wonder what round this would be, .357 is the only thing that comes to mind.

The same fella had a semi-auto deer rifle that he used in PA. Dad says that it was a 9mm. I found something online about a Marlin Model 9 that was a 9mm carbine... I always had the impression that it was a 9mm rifle, like how there is a 7mm rifle cartridge.

And another comment, if this PCR thing was legal, that means you could hypothetically hunt with a Hi-Point 45 carbine rifle, right? One ugly son of a bitch!


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
35 Remington uses .358 bullets.
38spl/357 mag/357 max use .357 bullets
9MMs use .355 bullets

In PA semi-auto rifles are not allowed for deer hunting so he's probably not using a Marlin 9.
There are some European 9MM rifle cartridges like the 9x57 which uses a .358 bullet. I bet he's using that or one of 9.3MMs (.366)that are more popular in a bolt or single shot.

If Ohio ever decided to allow PCRs they might (probably) limit your options for action types.

All this is probably moot, I have a hard time picturing them allowing any types of rifles. It's too political.
Ohiosam said:
Makes you wonder who answers the phone at the ODNR, some intern maybe??

The plug rule only applies to shotguns, not to handguns. You could legally hunt with an Automag or Desert Eagle with 8 round mags and be within the law.
It does make you wonder who answers the phone. NUTS! :smiley_crocodile:
I agree with the use of a Desert Eagle, as I used to use one and it is legal.

During a District Game meeting, the ODNR stated their reasoning for plugging shotguns was safety concerns. There was an instant arguement, by someone in attendance, against handgunners being able to have 6 or more rounds. That arguement was quickly laid to rest by one of the GWs by stating that the handgunners weren't shooting each other or vehicles, etc. :smiley_chinrub:

Cap't Ernie said:
The same fella had a semi-auto deer rifle that he used in PA. Dad says that it was a 9mm. I found something online about a Marlin Model 9 that was a 9mm carbine... I always had the impression that it was a 9mm rifle, like how there is a 7mm rifle cartridge.

And another comment, if this PCR thing was legal, that means you could hypothetically hunt with a Hi-Point 45 carbine rifle, right? One ugly son of a bitch!
Cap't Ernie,
PA allows any centerfire cartridge, like KY does, during their rifle season.

Yes, the Hi-Point carbine in 45acp would be legal, but I'd want to be inside 40 yards to kill a deer.

Good hunting, Bowhunter57


Senior Member
In PA semi-auto rifles are not allowed for deer hunting so he's probably not using a Marlin 9.
There are some European 9MM rifle cartridges like the 9x57 which uses a .358 bullet. I bet he's using that or one of 9.3MMs (.366)that are more popular in a bolt or single shot.

This was 25 years ago. That sounds right though.