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Phil's 2016 sheds


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've been sick all week. Felt a little better today. Decided some fresh air would do me good. Took a walk. Roughly 60-90min. No sheds found. Came upon a bachelor group of 7 bucks. All shed. Glad I had my binoculars on me. I'm afraid I won't find any sheds on the property I was hunting. They either dropped on the neighbor's or the neighbor picked them off this property without permission. I haven't found a single shed on the property I hunted today. Not one there all season. It is usually good for a couple. I think the neighbor has been sliding thru.

Guess I move onto some other properties for final sweeps. 2 sheds may be my season total this year.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang Phil! Can you get permission to search properties next to this prop? Keep at it buddy!!!

Negative. It is a long story. He has no issues going wherever he wants and doing what he wants to do. Don't cross onto his property line. One of "those guys". I will be the bigger person and hunt where I am allowed to shed hunt.


Junior Member
western OH
If he is going thru, sorry to here that. "Shed poaching " as I call it is growing! Seems this time of year, boundaries mean nothing. It amazes me guys with 80 acres of access or so can come out with so many sheds??? I find a few sheds, lots of footprints though..on ground I own and no one else has permission to be on


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If he is going thru, sorry to here that. "Shed poaching " as I call it is growing! Seems this time of year, boundaries mean nothing. It amazes me guys with 80 acres of access or so can come out with so many sheds??? I find a few sheds, lots of footprints though..on ground I own and no one else has permission to be on

It is possible the deer simply dropped them on neighboring properties. I have no proof. Just my suspicions. Sure seems funny given the number of bucks that have used the property. Mike R helped me drag my deer out of this property this year. He can attest to the sign. I have NEVER seen a property so littered with rubs, scrapes, and trails on such a large percentage of the parcel. Trail cameras show they are still traveling thru regularly.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hunted a property with my wife today. Didn't find any sheds. Swapped three camera cards. Had bucks still packing as recently as this morning. Tough to find those buggers when they keep moving and are attached. haha

We did bump into 3 people in the field. They were arrowhead hunting. Asked them how they were. Made small talk. They pointed to the house of a person who gave them permission. The lady is deceased. The lady didn't own the ground they were on. EVER. Then he comments on my Hoyt hat. Asks if I hunt. Duh. Yes. Then he proceeds to tell me about how they are big bow hunters. They don't even gun hunt because: "I am too busy hunting closet hunters to keep them off my ground." Took everything I had to bite my tongue. I found the irony in the fact this guy was blatantly trespassing two properties over from where he HAD permission 20yrs ago. Some people. Geesh.

My wife was with me. She said I handled it well and wasn't a jerk about it. I informed my LO and she was ready to come strangle the dude. I told her the three of them were slowly making their way back to their vehicle and he didn't make a scene. She seemed to simmer down a little. If he was a jerk about it, I have no doubt she would have met him at the road with the law. Glad I did my part for the land owner. That is their only request: Keep people off their property.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Went out today. Covered some ground in the UTV. Covered some thick stuff on foot. Nothing. I did see some other tire tracks from a UTV or quad though. I also saw some boot tracks. That is my main two properties covered in the last two weekends with no sheds to be had. Been a weird year. I feel fortunate I got out today. Work is picking up and I doubt I can get out much more.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Went out today. Covered some ground in the UTV. Covered some thick stuff on foot. Nothing. I did see some other tire tracks from a UTV or quad though. I also saw some boot tracks. That is my main two properties covered in the last two weekends with no sheds to be had. Been a weird year. I feel fortunate I got out today. Work is picking up and I doubt I can get out much more.
I'm in the same boat, Phil. Walked my main farm again today, nothing. Saw some doe and Turks though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry to hear you got company! Seems to be the norm these days! Hope you can eek out a few more trips Phil!

Company? Eh. It is what it is. Boot tracks were along a field edge. Could have been mushroom hunters, arrowhead hunters, or one of the other forms of trespassers. Or it could have been someone with permission. Doesn't mean they were shed hunting. Just means there were tracks there. lol

I hope I get out a few more times too, but it really doesn't look good for hunting. Phone is ringing. Spring is coming in 100mph. I won't complain. I have had a decent amount of time out shed hunting. Gots ta pay da bills.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm in the same boat, Phil. Walked my main farm again today, nothing. Saw some doe and Turks though.
I like finding sheds. I enjoy being out there. The sheds are a bonus. I'd rather get on the deer next fall. Those sheds help keep up the anticipation though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I like finding sheds. I enjoy being out there. The sheds are a bonus. I'd rather get on the deer next fall. Those sheds help keep up the anticipation though.
I'd just like to find one nice one this year, probably not going to happen now. I did find one hell of a pinch point today and marked it on my Onx map, I'll be hanging a stand there in a few months.