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Picked up a new bow today


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well did a service call last night for someone with no heat. after getting the furnace going I stood up and hit the back of my head on something. I turn around to see a old recurve. As I got up stairs I started asking questions about it. Here it belonged to there 16 year old son, who is a vegetarian. :smiley_crocodile: Anyways mom told me that he got it from a garage sale a few years ago because he was big into Zelda. I ended up getting the bow for $20.

It is a Bear Grizzly. It is 50# @ 28" and 58" long. I am sure it is an older bow as it shows some wear but nothing severe.

Don't know to much about trad bows. So any info you guys might be able to pass along would be helpful. I am not sure if I got a steal of a deal or not, but at least I have a trad bow that I can hunt with. My other bow is only 36# so I couldn't hunt with it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I will try and get some pics up later on today. Got to go on a service call right now the wife said something about getting out this evening for one last try at her first deer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I know I said I would have some pics up but I just haven't been able to get around to it, at least till now.

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