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Pink Ribbon Season


Ass Regulator
It's not only gettin close to huntin season, for us it's our annual Pink Ribbon Season. My wife is now a 2 time breast cancer survivor. She's winding up her treatment in December. 24 years ago she was diagnosed the first time and this time last year she discovered she had a re-occurrence. Over the years she/we have been involved in a bunch of fund raising efforts, ACS, Komen and now with a more local group, Pink Ribbon Girls, local as in Dayton, Cincinnati & Columbus areas. We have our annual walk in our small town that is traditionally the last Saturday in September. Last year there were 1500 participants and we raised $45,000.00. This is turning into a big deal and is the largest single day non-corporate event for PRG. So that's my opening weekend. I do plan on heading out Sunday after we get through this deal. Good luck to all and have your girls take care of their "girls"


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
That’s one helluva a way to start off your season, congrats too the Mrs and you....
A friend just found out his daughter is in remission. Found out Friday another buddy is in remission , best news I’ve heard in a while...
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Ass Regulator
This is the link, go to search for friend or team and type in Team Colston.
Not my intention to ask for donations although I can tell you it's a great group and PRG as an organization is a good steward of the monies they receive. The money does stay local which in my mind is important.
Thanks for the good wishes, she is doing well, just looking forward to the end of treatment. Remission and cure are pretty good words to hear. Lots of lives are affected, it's good to help ease some of the burden by providing a few meal and transportation.
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Ass Regulator
Thank you all for your kind words. This has been our passion for quite some years now. It's hectic getting ready for the event but we always get through it. Looks like It's going to be another big turn out. We are fortunate to have the local schools, vocational school and a number of businesses support along with a bunch of generous people who are committed to helping provide services. I'll give you an update once we get through the week end.


Ass Regulator
Quick update....Final numbers are not in but it looks like around $45,000.00 for the Pink Ribbon Girls. We had beautiful weather Saturday and an estimated 1200 participants. Got everything cleaned up and put away for the most part, even made it out to hunt Sunday evening and a little Monday.


Ass Regulator
Quick Update as we had a check presentation at Friday night's football game. $46,500.00. Had a peewee football playoff game for our grandson Saturday and got down to hunt Saturday evening...saw an decent wide eight Sunday but didn't get a shot.
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