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Poacher busted


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
I'm not standing up for them at all, I've met Josh and have some buddies that grew up with him. I always thought he was a little different and all about the views. But this article was just piss poor and just a name bashing. There's got to be a little more to the story. I think they got drug threw the mud on this just because of their names and they are so hated. You don't see the outfitters name being thrown everywhere. But with that being said I think they are tools with how they act and put on a show.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This one is from Deer and Deer hunting...I didn't realize when he's truck burned up on his control burn that it burned the neighbors Cabin down. He might wanna stick with his weight lifting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This one is from Deer and Deer hunting...I didn't realize when he's truck burned up on his control burn that it burned the neighbors Cabin down. He might wanna stick with his weight lifting.

Wow! I read all that. I can see an item or two being an honest mistake. Say an outfitter claims they have everything you need but forget to tell you to buy a license and tag. Some high fence operations would not need a tag. But. . . .reading all these different incidents? Wow!
I'm not standing up for them at all, I've met Josh and have some buddies that grew up with him. I always thought he was a little different and all about the views. But this article was just piss poor and just a name bashing. There's got to be a little more to the story. I think they got drug threw the mud on this just because of their names and they are so hated. You don't see the outfitters name being thrown everywhere. But with that being said I think they are tools with how they act and put on a show.

Sounds like the outfitter got the worst part of the deal in comparison??

The Nebraska outfitter, Jacob Hueftle, who guided them previously pleaded guilty to multiple charges, along with 30 other people who were indicted. Hueftle was sentenced in federal court in Omaha, Nebraska to 30 months in federal prison and ordered to pay $214,375 in restitution, jointly with his company, Hidden Hills Outfitters LLC. Hueftle also was given a 15-year ban on hunting, trapping or any related business after his prison sentence is served.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
It's all a big circle. These social media hunters are all about content creation. They don't have time to actually hunt so they usually buy deer from outfitters. Outfitters want their name in the lights so many do all kinds of shady stuff to get the social media hunters to hunt there. This includes buying deer from farms, baiting where it's illegal, etc. The hunters usually know shady shit is going on, but as long as they can claim some form of ignorance and point the finger they don't care. It's all about content. It's all one big circle jerk of pompous attention-seeking assholes.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Word on the street is this was sent to odnr last week as an anonymous tip.

This tip is about Trevor T Justice. Whose hunting license were suspended in November of 2021, for HWOP after poaching a deer in/ around Hillsboro, Ohio.

Mr. Justice was to cease all hunting for a period of 1 year, and with the treaty that would include all states.

It is known for a FACT that Mr Justice DID NOT stop hunting, in fact he hunted throughout the entire suspension all while mocking the situation.

It is know for a FACT that Mr. Justice hunted turkeys with his nephew in the Spring of 2022 IN OHIO. It is also known for a FACT that Mr. Justice took a trip to a farm in south west Tennessee with Mr. R*** L***** of Washington Courthouse Ohio. Where they both harvested turkeys.

It is then a known FACT that Mr. Justice shot and killed a buck they called showtime on a deer drive with his brother F**** J****** and nephew and F**** Filled out the tag in November/ December of 2021.

In February of 2022 Mr. Justice along with his brother Frank hosted their annual “rabbit round up” where Mr. Justice Participated carrying a gun and harvesting several rabbits.

They hunted several places in multiple counties where rabbits were killed. The members of that hunting party were C**** J****** of London Ohio, F**** J****** of Sabina Ohio, C**** k****** of London Ohio. Who all bared witness to Trevor Justice actively hunting with a Suspended license.

Fast forward to the spring of 2023 after a judge had again reenforced the suspension of his license due to non payment of restitution Mr. Justice while working for King Kat tournament Trail in their GPS tracked company vehicle left his work in Illinois and used the company vehicle to drive to the farm in south west tennessee to again hunt turkeys with a suspended license, again companied by R*** L***** of Washington courthouse. This trip took place on or around the 16th of April 2023. He was eventually let go from his duties with King Kat because they used the gps in his truck and found him to be improperly using the company vehicle to take that hunting trip. You can contact Mr. Robert “bob” denen of Youngstown ohio to confirm.

It is a FACT that Mr. Justice parcipated in the the opening week of the Ohio turkey Season and killed a turkey with his nephew the opening week of ohio’’s season 2023 before his license we’re resored.

It’s is also a known FACT that Mr. Justice harvested a 10 point buck in 2022 at his brother Franks property in Sabina Ohio, which was tagged by another hunter which is believed was his brother F**** J******.

it’s a known FACT that Mr.Justice hunted turkeys on a farm in patriot Ohio multiple times in may of 2022 with J**** D****

In conclusion Mr. Justice is a Habitual offender with a wild life violation rap sheet that’s extensive, leading back to his youth when he poached a 200+ class buck with a rifle from his brother Justin justices car window that was turned in by a taxidermist and investigated by Roy Rucker. He keeps repeating these wildlife violations with no respect for the law. He’s made some good friends with odnr officers that have helped him sweep stuff under the rug because he takes them and their children turkey hunting. But this has gone on far too long.. ODNR needs to do something about this wreckless behavior and put an end to Mr. Justice pure neglect for law.

This guy will never stop he thinks he’s above the law, and he gets away with it over and over again. In may mommy went in and paid his $14,000 restitution in full so he could hunt again this year. Eyes are on you ODRN. At what point does his hunting license get permanently suspended!?
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