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Dignitary Member
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I power lift every time I take a leak! Lmao!!!

uploadfromtaptalk1442581770606.jpgI hear ya buddy.


I have little aches and get small injuries sometimes but am pretty healthy for the most part. As long as you are using proper form you should be able to be able to avoid most injuries.


Staff member
I have a buddy who is in to the Highland Games. He and I lifted together a few years back. We are both 6'1", but he was 265 and I was 215. His chest is twice the size of mine and I have the wing span of a 6'5" person. I have strong legs, but have never been upper body strong. I trained with him for a year and matched him pound for pound on everything but bench. After a year, I achieved a life long dream: max bench of 305. Two weeks later I had to take a year off due to tendinitis in my elbow. I bulked up to 225 and my body took a toll.

Moral of the story: Take care of your body. Being big and strong ain't all its cracked up to be when you are old and feeble.


Dignitary Member
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Up Nort
Heir heir. I've lifted for a very long time and still do to this day. The ego leaves as you age. I'm not saying you guys have one, but if you do, it will leave as your body ages. I'm 42, 225, 6'2 and feel good. My strength isn't where it used to be, but that's OK. I'm at a good weight for my frame.


That's pretty much what my dad said about not caring as much but im definitely not there yet ha-ha. I want to see how far I can take it and my goal for my first competition is a 1500 lb total.


Junior Member
That's why I haven't been lifting heavy latley. Too much joint/shoulder pain. Also like you guys said just don't care as much anymore about being able to lift as much weight as I have in the past. I've been lifting heavy for a good 9 years and after that long it just gets old. Too many conflicting interests to be in the gym like I was in the past. Between work/school, fishing, hunting, coins, and being married. Seems like something always comes up to distract me from lifting. Last week I called my brother in law on the way to the gym and I was pulling in he talked me into going to sportsmans den with him instead lol.


Staff member
Are you guys taking glucosamine or fish oil? You should also look in to turmeric cucurmin. All are great for inflammation and lubrication of your joints. The turmeric also is shown to have cognitive benefits.


I really fell in love with lifting s few months ago. Although it's a small community the people in it are really good people and always willing to help. Probably the reason I like guns and hunting too. Have met some really good people in both hobbies.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I still workout 4 x a week but at 52 lighter weight more reps seems to work for me.
Was benching 315 with my son up till age 42 but started feeling it and doc said to back off the heavy stuff.
I weighed 217 5 months ago but am down to 195 now and feel as good now as i did at 40 yrs old.
Be careful on that heavy stuff so when ya get older you will still be able to lift some.