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Prayers for a Hero


Senior Member
It was on the news tonight, but a Morrow County Sheriff's deputy was shot today during a call that he responded to. Nut job had 500-800 pot plants, booby traps, hand grenades, etc... The officer, Brandon Moore, was shot three times in the chest and abdomen - including through the vest by the .223. He did hit the bad guy twice. Both were life-flighted to Grant and apparently Brandon should be fine. Of course I hope the sob that shot him gets the death penalty.

Brandon and I used to go to church together, he lives just up the road, and we have done some shooting together. He's a great guy with a nice wife and two kids. A shame - the pot is getting bad around here. I hope the bad guy gets what he deserves and wish Deputy Moore a full and swift recovery.

(The shooting happened in Chesterville, and the bastard's name was Shane Roush...)


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That sucks man. I will say a few words for him and wish him a quick recovery as well. I think somebody else was already looking out for him today and I'm sure will continue to give him a helping hand :D.


Tatonka guide.
THat damn Roush clan!! heard about it on 610 a lil while ago. sounds like he is doing okay.


Senior Member
Yea. Glad the bad dude got shot. In the news story I saw the Sheriff (who was my sunday school teacher) said that Brandon was joking before the life-flighted him, good sign.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Prayers sent. Like R.C. said looks like Brandon has already has been touched a bit.

Lowlifes seldom get what the deserve, you just gotta keep your head down and do your thing.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I've seen this story on the news the last couple of days. What the hell is wrong with people these days? Ill remember the officer and his family. As for the perp, I hope he gets what he deserves?


Senior Member
I believe yesterday he had surgery #4.

He got shot in the foot, leg (shattered his femur and they put in a rod), and his groin (they had to remove the spleen - official word is that he didn't have any damage to vital organs, however that doesn't mean important organs. :( )

In other words, it will be a long recovery and he should be able to function, even to the extent of returning to duty if that's what he wants to do. Still won't 'be the same' though.

I will find the information for the fund that's been set up for him if anyone is interested...


Senior Member
Brandon wrote on his facebook wall this afternoon from his mobile and posted a picture from his hospitable bed. They took his tubes out that week, so that's good news. His comment seemed like he was in good spirits.


Senior Member
If in the area (Morrow, Richland, Crawford, Marion), you can drop donations off at any First Knox Bank or Park National Affiliate (Richland Bank)

Or, mail a check to (and you'll get a receipt)

Deputy Brandon Moore Family Fund
First Knox National Bank
PO Box 70
Mount Gilead OH 43338


Senior Member
I wanted to update this thread.

First of all and most importantly, Brandon is doing well! He recently had another reconstruction surgery on his foot (they tell me that a .223 through the side of your foot isn't the best thing for your toes...) and is home doing therapy and recovery.

Secondly, it was just announced that he was chosen as the 2011 National Deputy of the Year! Obviously a huge deal and well deserving for someone that kept enough cool after being shot 5 times to return fire and with 15+1 hit the attacker multiple times at over 60 feet. That's crazy!

Finally, here is his facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Sparxter. He recently shared his story and testimony in a church service and I highly recommend that you watch it! It's about 20 minutes or so all together and you should be able to view it as a "friend of a friend", so if you're friends with me on Facebook you should be able to watch it. it is an incredible story.

May God Bless this Hero and keep the rest of our Servicemen and Women - Home and Abroad, safe!
