Well today I did some work on my food plots and used OnX to help show you what I'm working with/on.
This first photo shows the track of the major logging paths/roads through this section of woods. Its the one I have the most control over. The blue "stand" icon is where I've had a ladder stand along a nice trail. Its the ladder stand that's in the background of some of my better trailcam photos. Its a great location for gun hunting but I'm realizing its not cutting it for bowhunting.
The little extension of the trail to where my blue dot is I seeded primarily in switchgrass. Its a little kicker trail that goes from the bottom towards all the tree tops and bedding area that I described previously. I wanted to get some nice thick sections of switchgrass in there to break up the sightlines from the bottom of the hill all the way up. It also gives a path from the bedding zone into the food plot/travel corridor of the trail that then connects the creek at the bottom of the hill (left border of the woods) to the top of the hill (right border of the woods) for them to use to get around.
This is the little trail heading to my one food plot. It comes right out to the pasture field on the right. I did the first 20 yards or so in switchgrass so that they can exit the field right into thick cover if they desire and then hopefully use it as a travel corridor to the food plot. The second half of it is seeded in clover right now.
This is an area I sprayed with roundup walking around and around with a little hand held sprayer. I'm going to go back in a few days, rake it and then seed it with primarily buckwheat along with a bit of clover and chicory added in. The white icon is a potential stand tree where I can possibly ambush coming from the bedding going into the food plot.
This is the major trail from the logging. It had the throw and grow placed on it back on the last update to this thread. I used an organ grinder style spreader and put out 25# of clover with a little chicory added onto this. Every 20-30 yards or when the path widened or had small cross spots I hand spread switchgrass. I probably spread it in 5-10 yard spots in odd shapes. Just trying to see what it does and how the deer will use it for bedding/cover.
Finally this was the last spot. This is behind my in-laws house so has easy access for me to take the kids and get int a stand or a blind. You can see the path I walked with the hand sprayer just covering the area with round up. My plan is to come back and rake it and then spread the same or similar buckwheat, clover and chicory mixture. Then in august spray roundup here and at the other place and then plant brassicas and such for a fall/winter plot. I also spread some switchgrass along some torn up ground to the bottom right, this leads into the area I want to hinge cut and make thicker for bedding.