If you are shooting a deer you need a tag. I would stop in your local hunting store and purchase one if you intend to shoot something. Also you may be able to wave your license classes being vet so I would call ODNR and ask about that. Also with a apprentis license you can not go into the woods without a adult that has a valid hunting license, if you do go without and get caught kiss the rest of your hunting life goodbye. Also if you recently took up bowhunting and are shooting a compound bow please make sure you are ready to harvest a animal, be in touch with someone that has hunted and knows how to field dress a deer, also are you going to take the meat to a butcher or home process? But please make sure you can at least shoot a 2 inch group at 20 yards, and a 3 inch group at 30 yards before trying to shoot a deer. Also make sure you have good broadheads that fly good and true or they may be way off when you go to shoot a deer and miss or worse wound it. Practice up and make sure you are 100% good to go and ready, than if no tags are online there server may be down so maybe run to Bass Pro, Dicks, Cabelas, or the G word "Gander Mountain". Hope this helps and best of luck to you this year.