I'm a new parent and It'll be a while before I get to this point... But I just don't understand this whole concept of bringing a bag full of Gameboys and iPads and other distractions to the woods. Am I off base to say that maybe if they can't stay entertained without distractions, maybe they're too young to be deer hunting? Sure if you want to take them, take them. But if they get bored go home. It just seems like giving them an iPad is nothing more than a selfish remedy to keep US out in the field. What ever happened to small game hunting? What ever happened to it being okay when kids are bored? Why do we always have to be shoving some electronic device in their face? I'm sure I sound like an old fart and/or a naive dipshit... But answer this for me... Are we doing our kids any favors with this practice? What are we teaching? This is an honest question.
I’m pretty much with you on this. Sorta like that song by Waylon Jennings is it really how Hank done it.
But replace Hank with Dad and you as a kid hunting. There were no games. no phones no tablets. Etc..
Now fast forward till now.we all talk about how the world is changing etc etc.. Yet we’re changing the core things ways we were taught to make things more comfortable for kids. Games,tablets,iPhones..
Hunting isn’t about instant gratification. The woods always have a story to tell. From showing different trees types but bearing or not. How a ravine got there . The different bird sounds, Different animals Teaching them to identify those sounds to type of bird,animal.
I can go along with bring food keep warm. The games tho. Not for me. Be there because you want to be there. I’ve took a lot of kids hunting. First year expect nothing. 30 minute hunts.
Second year expect a little more. And so on depending on their age. They fall asleep. I wake them up and ask them why they didn’t just shoot that big buck that came by. They start being loud fiddling with sticks I ask them if they want to do some jumping jacks.. Agin this is depending on age. Just saying as years go buy.. You have to expect more.
The part about bringing games and what not. I simply question everyone saying it’s about them not the parent. To me it’s about the parent wanting the kid to stay and see a deer get a shot. Instant gratification. Play a game while I watch for you. That’s just my opinion. Reguardless I guess anyway you can get a kid in the woods. I support it. Yet Is it really how your daddy taught you?
I believe this makes for a great debate/not argument. Either way a kid is in the woods.. Good stuff.