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Raising Pheasant


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Well raising pheasants has been a cool adventure. As with any new adventure yo learn as you go and sometimes bad things happen.
Back in the middle of January I received a call about 7:45am from my neighbor that lives behind me. I was in the shower so I missed the call but checked voicemail shortly after. The voicemail was not what I wanted to hear. The brooder was on fire. I rushed outside behind the barn to find the brooder was about 60% gone. Luckily I could see birds on the other side of the pen. Looked like they all got out safe. One must have got spooked in the middle of the night and knocked the heat lamp of its mount. I will redesign that and have it enclosed in a cage next time. Fire trucks arrived a couple minutes later. I wish they would have let burn the rest of the way so the mess wouldn't have been as bad to clean up but they were doing their job. After the fire was out I went in and drove all the birds out and released them.

We see a couple every now and again and keep cracked corn in a few strategic places in case they come by.
Now its time to rebuild. I have 100 day old chicks I am picking up in Bucyrus on May 17th so I will need to be ready by then.
With the weather finally looking like it is going to break I will get started next week. I have a few design changes that I will implement this time around. First it will be shorter this time around. The last one was 8' tall this time it will be no taller than 6'. With the lower height it should be easier to heat while they are young. Second change will be I am going to extend the too about 8' past the brooder to give them some extra shelter. Should give them a shady place and get them out of storms. As mentioned earlier I will cage the heat lamp so there is no way for it to fall into the bedding. I am sure I will add some more stuff as I complete my plans. Should be another fun little project and I look forward to getting another 100 birds.

Will post pics as I get busy on it.


Senior Member
Heat lamps can be harmful.

A friend of mine lost his barn, tractor, ATV, Motorhome, chain saws, tools, and coon dog (basically all his Man Stuff) all due to a heat lamp causing his barn to catch fire.
It was a total loss, after insurance inventoried and pro rated everything....he still lost.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Well time to get the new brooder built. I will be picking up 100 day old birds next Tuesday so I figure I better get this thing built. Getting the floor first then once that is all set I will get walls and roof going.


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Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Got a little more done. Floor is complete. Front and back walls complete. Got one side wall framed. Need to get siding on it and then the other wall. Roof will be last. Hopefully get sides complete and roof framed tomorrow evening. Hopefully Friday I can get everything put in place.


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Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Got a little more done this evening. Man I can tell I am getting old. I finished framing up the sides and then raised the walls. After that I was beat. Raising walls by yourself will beat you up. Lol. Now to get the roof framed up and weathered in.


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Staff member
I feel your pain Jon. I've been building my chicken coop alone. Framed the walls in the driveway, then carried them to the coop. Trying to hang sheeting in 20 mph winds today alone should be awesome...


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Well the brooder is finished. Jesse you were dead on. Putting roof panels on in the wind was a treat.


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Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Picked up the new batch of birds today. There are a little over 100. They are eating and drinking good. Wish it was a little warmer out. It would definitely make it a little easier to keep them at 95 degrees.


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Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
All the birds are doing great. The males have started really getting color. Yesterday evening while out feeding and watering I noticed they were getting watched by a big hawk. I was able to scare it off for now.


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