Just finished up going through the weather forecast for gun week in Southern Ohio.
The first four days will be nice & sunny, but kinda chilly with some overcast clouds here and there.
After that, the weekend will get into the mid to high 40's during the day and mainly cloudy.
Also, 5 of the 7 days, we're gonna have some fairly stiff Western winds.
Over the weekend, the winds will turn 180 degrees, coming from the East- Southeast mainly.
Wind speeds will be above average for most of the week 'TOO'.
High teens into the mid 20's mph range during a few of those days.
At this point, we're suppose to remain nice and dry for the entire week.
No rain, no snow!!!
Thought I'd pass along this info if you haven't checked it out already for yourself.
Again, this is for Southern Ohio area.
Good night 'TOO'ville & good luck to all of you that will be out gun hunting next week!