@bowhunter1023 Until you start thinking about the cost of living, borderline socialism, and inherent snobbery of that populous
I’ve always felt that if you’re that scared of the roads, maybe you should stay home.I think the railroad worker in the company truck was on the clock for his ride to work 29mph in a 4x4 come the hell on. I passed him stopped for coffee and passed him again. Safety is one thing but screwing everyone else is another....line of traffic a mile long cause of that dick.
Im tired of driving this winter due to the people. I'm about ready to stay at home to aviod them on ice or snow days. Sorry Giles rain away as long as its not ice....I’ve always felt that if you’re that scared of the roads, maybe you should stay home.
I hope so! Birds are acting Twitterpaited.And 45 mph winds tomorrow!!! Is spring here?