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Senior Member
Supporting Member
And feeling them bastards when nothing is even on you...creepy little fuggers.

I stopped at a deli for coffee and I asked the girl is that a tick on my neck? My clothes are out in a tub in the yard soaking in water with a gallon of clorox... Bastards hate um.. Going to soak my clothes in bug killer for turkey season. Ive never seen so many of those little reddish color bastards...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I stopped at a deli for coffee and I asked the girl is that a tick on my neck? My clothes are out in a tub in the yard soaking in water with a gallon of clorox... Bastards hate um.. Going to soak my clothes in bug killer for turkey season. Ive never seen so many of those little reddish color bastards...

Take it from a young buck...this is what you need good sir!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Take it from a young buck...this is what you need good sir!

Dave... You got that right PERMITHRIN is the only way to go.. I was just checking for concentrate permithrin so I can make GALLONS saves money. That Sawyers is expensive..


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Dave... You got that right PERMITHRIN is the only way to go.. I was just checking for concentrate permithrin so I can make GALLONS saves money. That Sawyers is expensive..

Someone here got a smoking deal on some prime stuff, thinking it was Joe/Blan. If I think of it at a decent hour I'll text him and ask. I haven't talked to him in a month or so anyways, it's time.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

Here's the Steubenville ramp that we use when we fish that pool on the Ohio river.... Completely submerged and a good 6-8' over the ramp/parking lot .....



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

This is the snapshot of the pool above (Cumberland) showing how much water we got in the last few days....



Dignitary Member
Staff member
The yearly flooding back home in the Mississippi delta will likely be crazy this year.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
The yearly flooding back home in the Mississippi delta will likely be crazy this year.

I don't doubt that one bit... Not the worst but not a good thing either...
The structure you fish from one year to the next is mind boggling how it changes....



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
My inner "paranoia" is also worried about sink holes...I'll put the cap back on those thoughts now though. That's for an entire different thread, lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Rain is NOT helping me at all. Our schedule is screwed and we haven't really had much chance to get started yet. This week looks dreadful for accomplishing anything.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Rain is NOT helping me at all. Our schedule is screwed and we haven't really had much chance to get started yet. This week looks dreadful for accomplishing anything.

Yup, I was able to get mowers ready for the season out at the farm last week. Looks like I'll be running the bush hog before we can get a mower on any of it...gonna need chains to do ditches! Lol


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
Fugg all this rain! I do NOT want to go through that crap again! I would rather go back to the sandbox and get shot at again before I go through another flood! This is the river at Cincinnati. Pretty bad when you have a quick link saved on your phone to check the river level.. it has to hit 56' before it gets to my house but it still gets the nerves jumpy..

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