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Ravenna Hunt


Junior Member
Exciting news for the Angel brothers heading into this November. I signed up for the military only hunt at Ravenna this year and for the first time was drawn. So my brother and I will be heading out there on Nov 25th to do a lil gun hunting! Originally I signed up for the buck tag and gave my brother the doe tag thinking our chances of getting drawn were slim. Well, wouldn't ya know it we got drawn, and instantly I felt bad for having the buck tag as I usually have over 30 sits a year with a bow and my brother gets maybe one or 2. So this morning I called out to Ravenna and talked to the head guy and asked him to switch the buck tag for my brother and the doe tag for me. The guy was super accommodating and said no problem, doesn't hurt to ask, as they say. So now I am even more excited to take my brother up there and see if we cant have success on some deerz. I have hunted there once before with no luck, but it being Nov. 25th should provide some real opportunities for late rut movement. Excited to say the least!:pickle:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Good luck too you and your brother.... Has that place rebounded yet? I know before I retired the fab shop guys were saying it was pretty dismal out there....


Junior Member
I've been out there for some training the last couple years. Seems like the numbers are pretty good, considering EHD hit there 4 or 5 years ago. Probably not what it was 10 yeas ago, but I always manage to see groups of 5 or 6 deer as I drive thru there.