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"J" Git Off My Lawn Supporting Member 59,794 288 North Carolina Nov 14, 2011 #2 Nice high racked buck there Mao.....
bowhunter1023 Owner/Operator Staff member 49,553 288 Appalachia Nov 14, 2011 #3 Nice pics Marcus. It's been slow on the cams for me. Mirrors the hunting for that matter...
moundhill Senior Member Supporting Member 5,327 103 Hebbardsville.. Nov 14, 2011 #4 Thats second pic is funny, david vs. goliath lol. Great pics mao!
saddlepants Member 1,224 0 central Ohio Nov 14, 2011 #6 Dads teachin the little guy "cmon kid, arch your neck a little more" "put ur chest out" "Yoooo can doooo it"
Dads teachin the little guy "cmon kid, arch your neck a little more" "put ur chest out" "Yoooo can doooo it"
Rutin Senior Member 2,029 0 Ina Duck Blind Nov 14, 2011 #7 couple freakin hawgs there bud... good luck!
finelyshedded You know what!!! Supporting Member 33,028 274 SW Ohio Nov 15, 2011 #8 Awesome pics Marcus! If they/he gets by they'll blow up next year! Thanks for sharing!
Mao Member 1,695 109 Coshocton, OH Nov 19, 2011 #9 The tall 8 was running around like crazy in my front yard this morning then would cross the road and run in my parents yard. Nose to the ground the whole time. With it being youth season, he is probably in trouble today with that behavior.
The tall 8 was running around like crazy in my front yard this morning then would cross the road and run in my parents yard. Nose to the ground the whole time. With it being youth season, he is probably in trouble today with that behavior.